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Everything posted by SexyLeo91

  1. I love Leo's beautiful hair and and love the new pic of him ! Thanks everyone for the posts!
  2. 😍 the hairs on his chest and yes I would have loved seeing Rick Dalton in those swim trunks! Thanks Jade and Mirella for the articles and clips!
  3. Thanks ox, Sugarwater and Jade for the posts! new pics of Leo on set!
  4. If some of these interviewers would just let Leo talk and be his natural charming self (I know the repeated question about the bear attack in Revenant drove me crazy, lol, and I wasn't being interviewed) he will open up and talk. And some people are crazy as fuck with those stupid theories. To me, people who are obsessed about these celebs being 'sex traffickers of children' sure are obsessed themselves with minors and sex, and going into details. These conspiracy theorists are the really sick ones. Thanks everyone for the latest posts!
  5. Thanks everyone for the posts! I’ve got some catching up to do
  6. Thanks Lilja, Barbie, Jade and Sugarwater for the posts! I like reading about some on-set info, filming, and then to see it all come together onscreen is great!
  7. Yes! I love WOWS and Leo should have won that Oscar because his performance was outstanding. I'll add the Aviator too. It was nice watching that old interview during the time of The Beach. Also, I keep eyeing Leo's biceps whenever he folds his arms😍 Thanks Sugarwater, Barbie, Jade and AliceT for the posts!
  8. Thanks everyone for the posts! Leo's kissing scenes are always steamy
  9. *The scene at the end of that new trailer where Rick Dalton's beautiful hair falls loose* Seeing Leo on the big screen as Rick Dalton *pulse races* I'm rewatching that trailer again, hoping one day, we will get extended scenes Thanks ox, Barbie, Lilja, Jade, Sugarwater, and akatosh!
  10. 😍😍 nice seeing new pics of Leo, even blurry he's handsome! Thanks everyone for the posts!
  11. Thanks Sugarwater, Jade, Lilja and ox for the posts! Wish I was at that screening!
  12. Thanks Sugarwater for sharing your own family experience in being stripped and now reclaiming your heritage (I continue to learn something new each time) and the KOTFLM news, ox for the pics and news and Jade for Titanic info and the article about William Murdoch. It wasn't until years later when I looked more into his background and what he actually did I better understood criticism of the film changing things here and there for dramatic purposes.
  13. Thanks Jade, Mirella and Sugarwater for the posts and yes I love that scene from R&J when their eyes meet and you really see Leo's beautiful eyes 😍
  14. Thanks Sugarwater, Jade, LuckyGirl and ox for the posts! I love reading all of these encounters and even non-encounters, plus the on set vids from Sugarwater; it must be quite an experience! That was sweet how Leo laughed and joked with those folks in his presence to break up the quiet awkwardness. I was tested for COVID a couple of times with the swab up the nose and for me, it wasn't too bad.
  15. Thanks Sugarwater for the vids and ox and Jade for the posts! It was nice seeing the location and a shot of Leo
  16. Glad I'm not alone in my feelings of thinking that Leo's the sexiest fucking man He has that something about him! Thank you Jade, ox, Sugarwater, akatosh, and Mirella for the latest posts, and news, and the TikTok vid too, with great footage! Love the Kate Winslet article, and by the way, she's always been beautiful!
  17. I don't remember who started it, but I think it's just another negative thing attached to Leo. It's like he's handsome, very talented, smart (especially compared to the average famous person) dates and are in relationships with beautiful women, is tall (there are so many self-conscious about height), pretty damn rich, and very sexy, and hits all of the marks of 'that guy' so it's a stupid way to knock him down a peg or two, lets bash his bedroom skills (also I've heard rumors of the opposite). A pedestal that he himself didn't even want, nor built.
  18. *imagining seeing those blue eyes in person* Lucky Jade! It was nice reading about your Leo encounter. The rumors on Leo has been around practically forever, and some of it's horrible. In comparison, the 'bad in bed' rumor is pretty tame, because the only way to confirm (or refute) that rumor is to sleep with him. I'm going to attribute this latest rumor to a teenager that wanted viral hits, and it worked. Wouldn't be surprised if her aunt (refused to add to her fame by saying her name) put her up to it so her name could be out there much more; there's only so many times one has to pose in bathing suits and have their people leak it to blogs all the time. I guess sex, even bad sex, with Leo, just gets more people talking. Thanks Sugarwater, ox and Mirella for the posts, link and clips! I think the pap pics are old too since Leo's clean-shaven for now.
  19. Thanks Mirella, ox, AliceT, Sugarwater and Jade for the news! I've never seen Frankie and Johnny, but now I'm curious based on that clip. So great that you got to see Leo in person Jade and even better than you were safe, too. Can you imagine coming out of an airport terminal and someone grabbing you on the leg? I'm so glad I am not fucking famous. It has its perks though, and Leo literally transcends fame, and can still be levelheaded. Very few have had that kind of impact and can handle it too.
  20. Thanks Sugarwater, Jade, ox, Mirella and Barbie for the news and new pics! yes Leo is looking good!
  21. Thanks Sugarwater for the updates, videos and ox for the pic! Have a great trip Sugarwater!
  22. Thanks Sugarwater for the updates and the new pics! Nice seeing a glimpse of Leo
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