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Everything posted by SexyLeo91

  1. Thanks Jade, akatosh and ox for the news, pics and posts! Those pics from that photoshoot are new to me so gorgeous. Calvin was a handsome evil monster. Leo's performance in the film was amazing.
  2. Thanks everyone for the pics and all the posts! Yes, Leo's sexier as he gets older
  3. Hi akatosh ! Thanks for the documentary vid! Thanks Jade for that additional info regarding the book! However, I did enjoy the chemistry the two had in the film. It wasn't the typical 'jump in bed' type of situation. Thanks Jade, ox and Barbie for the posts! Leo was really freezing in that clip! I can't help but look at his beautiful face
  4. He can distract me anyday! Plus I thought something was happening between Calvin and his sister too. Thanks everyone for the latest posts! I need to rewrite the script to include that Lip biting? Done the right way, it can be pretty hot
  5. Thanks ox for the pics! Pretty hot kiss right there and that's just the pic
  6. Thanks everyone for posting pics, links and news! I love Leo's sensual chemistry with his female co-stars! All he has to do is look deeply at a woman to me and that's it Leo was really such a cute baby
  7. Danny Archer is my man y'all ! I could watch Blood Diamond any time (plus it's a great film). Thanks ox, Jade and Barbie for the posts! The pics are so sweet. I love Leo's hair and it looks so soft .
  8. Beautiful message from Leo ! Thanks Jade, ox and LuckyGirl for the latest news! LMAO Jade with the pretend convo ! I'm going to give Body of Lies another chance and re-watch it.
  9. Thanks Jade and Barbie for the posts! Those pics are so new to me , he's so fine, and the interview was really cute
  10. Thanks everyone for the news and posts! I'm going to hold off on reading the book for now. I'm excited for Leo's role and the film itself.
  11. That's great that the film got financing! Leo is drawn to dramas, and studios prefer the big PG-13 type of mass audience films. Many of us like the adult dramas, though. Thanks so much Barbie and ox! Leo was so cute as a toddler, with his pinchable chubby cheeks
  12. Thanks Barbie, LuckyGirl and Jade for the interviews and pic! Damn, he's so fine and sexy, but funny too
  13. Thanks ox for the pix and link. The weather looks beautiful out there and I like Leo's legs
  14. Thanks Jade for those hot screenshots and Barbie for the insta posts! Oh yeah, I was so excited a year ago with the Cannes pics, news and everything and seeing Leo again. I really liked the chemistry between Leo and Brad Pitt for OUATIH !
  15. Thanks everyone for the posts! Yes Leo was so hot in the Departed! I lose focus looking into his eyes
  16. Thanks Barbie, ox, and Lebowski for the links and pics! Yes Leo has such an animated face, perfect for memes. That was so cool he got to meet Michael Jordan! Ah, my city team hasn't been the same since the heyday of the Bulls
  17. Thanks Barbie for posting the screen caps! I love that first close up of Leo, with his beautiful lashes!
  18. Thanks ox and Barbie for the pics and video clips! I love Leo’s facial features
  19. Thanks Sliva, Sunflower and ox for the news, info and vids! That lady's encounter is too sweet and cute I heard about it this morning, and it was sad to hear. Andre Harrell was basically the music of my childhood (discovering Jodeci, Mary J. Blige, etc) That's a really nice pic of Leo with him.
  20. Thanks ox and Barbie for the pic and clips! Some of these are new to me! Leo is the cutest
  21. Thanks Barbie and ox for the new pics, Sliva for the additional info and Jade for the insta post! Leo's looking good with his tan! I'd definitely go with Leo and Brad! We'd just have to quarantine together
  22. The pics are so adorable! I remember those from an interview years ago. Thanks everyone for sharing!
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