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Posts posted by BenByunghun

  1. I'm not really a fan of Diet Prada but "models, fashion industry peeps being hypocrites/stupid during a pandemic" would seem to be up their alley. Have they ever done any posts about fashion people being idiots concerning covid? 

  2. Does anyone know if she has a brother? I could have sworn I've seen a few pics of her when she was child with another younger kid and I'm pretty sure I saw one family pic sometime last year of her family but she's so private she only really ever shows her mom.

  3. Man this year has been terrible and I've been out of the loop, she's looking good. I noticed a random thing on her instagram she's calling herself a scientist. Was a reference to something this year? Or is scientist the new "activist" "entrepreneur" "humanitarian" label models are using these days.

  4. Ya the only way to deal with these people is to ignore them even i they self harm, not her responsibility that they want to direct their mental illness delusions onto her and any acknowledgment of their existence only validates them. She should have management auto block those people....Also, why are there so many creepy turkish guys commenting on her pics recently.

  5. Honestly, Romee has won me over with how amazing she looked at last years VSFS and her vlogs have really made me like her personality but her squinty sexy face is still bemusing. I like Romee as a decent compromise with the new direction VS is going and I hope she stays as an Angel.


    Its also weird how popular her vlogs are when she only uploads like once a month, I'm kinda curious because it seems like VS has never taken advantage of the popularity of her vlogs. Seems like an easy way to connect to a large audience.



  6. I still can't get over the fact that Alexina sincerely believes that she is some sort of horribly wrong victim and she deserves this for her suffering and we should all be elated with this empowering moment...all the while she's acting like the worlds most obnoxious 6 year old.


    Are we pretty sure there will be no more new angels until most of the NA contracts expire? Wouldn't most of the NAs have now signed a second contract at this point?

  7. Just something I was thinking about while looking at these Victor pics. Victor is a one trick pony, just another playboy who decided to cash in the tits and ass photo niche but has only a superficial understanding of photography., he's like a slightly less lazy Timur. I mean hes not getting anything interesting out of the models, they are just standing/laying there. 


    I'm going to hell for this but I miss Bellemere's style which I consider to be far more interesting. Its not just the retouching but it was the posing, the emotive response of the models. Of course apparently he's a scumbag but his pics were both sexy and had depth to them. Same with people like Guy Aroch or Adam Franzino. I guess its because they are better photographers which you can also see in their editorial and advertisement work.


    Damnit now I have to go look at all those older VS pics.

  8. For me its that $100k just doesn't add up. Let's say an Angel gets paid 100k and has to work around 50 days (events, promo, shooting etc), I know its variable etc this is just an example. That would mean they were getting a day rate of 2k. Which is so low it is laughable so I call bullshit, none of these models would have such a low day rate period simply for the reason they are signed with agencies in these markets which would have higher day rates by default. I mean I live in Dallas, our local agency models have day rates in that range even in our small market usually starting around $1,200, NY, London, Western Europe day rates will be much higher by default simply because of the market. 


    I know you can say well exposure and lump sum, but I still don't buy it. There are a decent number of local male and female models in the DFW area who can make good money $50k-$80k or so a year. I think this forum has somehow manage to overestimate how much models make while simultaneously underestimate them... we either focus on the ones that are multi millionaires or the poor ones walking 50 shows for a pair of pants and a wedgie and ignore the giant ass gap in the middle all those mid to high six figures models.


    Just because a model may not be in demand doesn't mean they start bargain binning her day rate. You ain't getting as summer blowout special on Julia Stegner's day rate just because she isn't as in demand as she was 10 years ago. Someone like Constance Jablonski with a day rate well north of $20k isn't going to think twice about a contract that effectively pays her a tenth or fifth of her day rate. 


    Lol I just saw @Fashionfreak1 said in 1 sentence what I took a billion to try to say....



  9. I love Ophelie Guillermand, makes me miss the time where we had Ophelie, Jac, Andreea mixed in with the current angels for VS swim...I think it was 2015 swim one of my favorite campaigns from VS. Simple but nice mix of girls and I really liked the color grading and retouching of the images.




  10. The weird thing is that I know people talk about reduced budgets, but the lighting is just really flat, like amateur youtube tutorial flat. It would literally cost them 0 dollars to make some tweaks to the lighting and keep it nice and clean and bright and commercial so saying they have no budget doesn't really answer, I assume they really just don't care but its still weird that they specifically have chosen that type of lighting and retouching which makes the girls look so bad....

  11. 34 minutes ago, Fashionfreak1 said:

    The ratings have never been that high they inflate it hugely, they’re still claiming the show was watched by over a billion people last year. If that’s anywhere near true all of China must have tuned in - which obviously didn’t happen as we all know this company love lying a la fantasy bra


    I swear I remember in one of the behind the scenes segments for the show in I think 2015, Ed was giving his usual pep talk to the models and he claimed that "100 million" people were watching the show and then the camera zoomed into some of the models shocked faces... I find it odd that he would feel the need to embellish so much and it sounded so weird when I heard it. 

  12. I was looking at wiki for the ratings of past shows and I was kinda shocked because for some reason I though it had huge ratings in the past like 15-20 million. I'm not sure why I though that but its kinda interesting that even before cord cutting took off it was more in the 8-10 million range.  


    I'm going to say it will have higher viewership than last year but I don't think the higher ratings will be indicative of an upward trend. I'll go with 5.5 million and most mainstream coverage and social media will be rehashing Ed's comments instead of it being Adriana's last show. And Sophia and Ed will take the social media mentions as evidence that they are doing the right thing and nothing will change and next year will be the same recycled shit as usual. 



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