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Posts posted by Steph_26

  1. I know, I'm always saying 'She's stunning/awesome/gorgeous/amazing :drool:'

    But what else can I say about this girl?

    I'm pretty sure she'll be at the VSFS! She'll probably walk just 1 time on the runway but she'll be amazing!

    She is absolutely stunning and gorgeous!!! But to me she looks completely different than Adriana. Ok. they share the hair- and eyecolour and both are beauties. But Adriana is so much more exotic looking.

  2. Hi guys,

    I did the translation of Cintias interview for you. The bold text is my translation. Hope you like it!

    Cintia's Interview:


    WeLoveModels pergunta: No começo do ano, você fotografou para a Sports Illustrated Swimnsuit Issue, que inclusive foi super elogiado. Como foi fazer seu primeiro ensaio para a revista?

    At the beginning of the year, you did a shooting for SI, which was very praised. How was it, doing your first shooting for this magazine?

    Cintia Dicker: Foi ótimo!! Amei fazer por ser uma revista tão conceituada nos Estados Unidos e que acabou me proporcionando vários trabalhos também.

    It 's been great!! I loved working for a magazine that is so prestigious in the United States. And in the end it also helped me getting various work.

    WeLoveModels : Qual trabalho gostaria de fazer que ainda não fez?

    Which job would you like to do, which you didn't do yet?

    Cintia Dicker: Campanha da Gucci.

    Gucci Campaign

    WeLoveModels : Qual foi o trabalho mais complicado que você já fez

    Which has been the most complicated job you have been doing?

    Cintia Dicker: O trabalho que fiz uma vez no Quênia não foi complicado, mas dormir nas tendas no meio da savana, ouvindo hipopótamos e outros bichos durante a noite não foi nada fácil (risos).

    A job I have been doing in Kenya, it wasn't complicated, but sleeping in tents in the middle of the savannah, hearing hippos and other animals during night wasn't easy. (laugs)

    WeLoveModels : Algum fato engraçado que gostaria de lembrar?

    Is there a funny fact which you like to remember?

    Cintia Dicker: Acho que a história do Quênia, citada acima, pois na hora morri de medo, mas depois valeu a pena, foi uma experiência ótima.

    I think the story from Kenya, cited above, cause at that time I was terrified, but later it was worth it. It's been a great experience.

    WeLoveModels : O que você nunca deixa de levar e o que sempre esquece?

    What do you always take with you or what do you always forget to take with you?

    Cintia Dicker: Nunca esqueço de levar nada, mas o que sempre está comigo é meu telefone.

    I never forget anything to take with me, what I always take with me is my phone.

    WeLoveModels : Quando você começou em 2005, era uma das poucas, para não dizer a única modelo ruiva das passarelas. Sua agência, ou até mesmo você, nunca teve vontade de mudar o visual ou acha que perderia uma de suas características?

    When you started in 2005, you were one of a few if not the only red-haired model on the runways. Did your agency or even you never want to change your look or you think you'd loose one of your characteristics?

    Cintia Dicker: Acho que perderia a minha característica e fiz a diferença exatamente por ser ruiva. Se eu mudasse de visual, a agência me mataria (risos).

    I think I'd loose my characteristic, I make a difference exactly for being red-haired. If I change my look, my agency would kill me. (laughs)

    WeLoveModels : Qual é o seu ritual de beleza e alimentação?

    What's your beauty and nutrition routine?

    Cintia Dicker: Muita água, comida saudável, muito protetor solar, massagem e academia.

    Loads of water, healthy food, much sun protection, massage and gym.

    WeLoveModels : Ícone Fashion?

    Fashion icon?

    Cintia Dicker: Brigitte Bardot

    WeLoveModels : O que rola no seu ipod?

    What do you play on your i-pod?

    Cintia Dicker: Rock Clássic

    Classic Rock

    WeLoveModels : Qual sua peça chave?

    Your key piece?

    Cintia Dicker: Jeans

    WeLoveModels : Como é um dia de Cintia Dicker em Nova York, lugar onde mora?

    How is a day in the life Cintia Dicker in New York, where you live?

    Cintia Dicker: Nossa, cada dia é um dia diferente, mas amo ficar em casa com meu namorado, andar de bicicleta, fazer compras, ir na academia e jogar truco com os amigos.

    Gosh, every day is different, but I love staying at home with my boyfriend, riding bicycle, shopping, going to the gym and playing cards with my friends.

  3. A short article on Marie Ange from french Elle's issue of this week :


    scan by me

    citia for

    It is really strange! She is so pretty and stunning, but she doesn't give me this wow-factor, Laetitia is giving me. I could watch pictures from Laetitia for ages and everytime keep asking myself, how someone can be sooo beautiful! Her sister is beautiful too, but she doesn't make me ask this question....weird.

  4. HQs - Cia Maritima Spring/Summer 2003

    VDLFLC6MM5_cia_maritima_2003_15.jpg ISRCAH8XEQ_cia_maritima_2003_16.jpg 3RIL87ITLR_cia_maritima_2003_17.jpg KU1TFHQ0X7_cia_maritima_2003_18.jpg FPQU5JSKPE_cia_maritima_2003_19.jpg H0EU7FYP0P_cia_maritima_2003_20.jpg MKDYRSK56A_cia_maritima_2003_21.jpg 2G6OEUT3U9_cia_maritima_2003_22.jpg 41EDQ8DKOE_cia_maritima_2003_23.jpg LPIKA7G7TO_cia_maritima_2003_24.jpg PD9Z53H40X_cia_maritima_2003_25.jpg 34QF7L3BJM_cia_maritima_2003_26.jpg

    Thank you Nothingless! I love this show!!!! Everything is perfectly beautiful....clothes, hair, make-up, models....

  5. Adriana's new Victoria's Secret Very Sexy Makeup Booklet

    (a glance at just a few of the images she's shot for Victoria's Secret beauty)

    Click for bigger :)






    Please credit Lima-Fans.com, if you repost.

    OMG! Thank you so much! ... She looks PERFECT! I specially the 4th one! :heart:

    I like this so much more than Maybellin! She does looks like her, without bein' 85% photoshoped!

    I love iit!

    I Love Adriana! But I don't like Victoria's Secret!

  6. She was spotted in Venice with her boyfriend and her mother.

    It says on: Glamurama

    They were enjoying an art exposition.


    She liked the work of italian painter Pietro Roccasalva the most!

    Sorry ....mistake! They were with HIS mother! not her mother!

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