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Posts posted by xr4ti

  1. On 8/1/2021 at 8:43 AM, WongDong said:

    Can somebody honestly tell me, does this "sell", has the US gone this insane that they find this sexually attractive and a good role model for your health?


    First time in a long time I never even visited their website.  Not going to look at Girls of Golden Corral.  That being said they must not care

  2. On 1/6/2020 at 9:07 PM, Memento Mori said:




    She says she's planning to take the GRE (for non-USians, that's the exam for graduate school, in replies she says for psychology).


    I feel sorry for her.  Going for a useless degree in your late 20's past your prime child bearing years?  Pointless.  True happiness is from having a beautiful family.  I only wish we had started sooner.  Liz is getting old.

  3. On 10/1/2019 at 6:32 PM, SixOneHemi said:

    Does anyone know if she will release any more exclusive photo sets? It really sucks that she stopped because people kept leaking them online. I bought all of them and was looking forward to more. Possibly the Riker Brothers or Genevieve will release more in the future, i hope.


    From looking at the pics they all appear to be a few years old.  I don't think she is creating new content.  I would message her to find out.  My guess is no.

  4. 10 hours ago, Bloodshot said:

    I love the moving goalpost here.  Overpopulation in regard to economic status is an entirely different discussion and not at all what you were claiming before.  But I don’t think most really want this conversation to pollute this thread.  There’s already very little Genevieve content recently.


    Got you to reply.  It's overpopulated in both aspects.  The Chinese are colonizing Africa economically.  The economic situation should improve.

  5. On 6/11/2019 at 9:09 AM, Bloodshot said:


    Yep, i read a post about that UNICEF report a few months ago.  However, you continue to make a logical fallacy stating a possible projection as fact.  Even UNICEF stated Africa's population COULD reach 4 billion by 2100, that "could" is an important word.  Also, that projection comes from a single UNICEF report and there is a lot of debate about the viability of that projection for many reasons.  Even UNICEF states that it's only one possible outcome over the next 80 years.


    Every nation in sub-Saharan Africa is 3rd world.  They are already overpopulated for their economic status.  Even doubling the population there is illogical.

  6. On 6/9/2019 at 9:44 PM, Bloodshot said:


    Might want to rephrase that to be "Africa's biggest problem going forward in the 21st century MIGHT be overpopulation".  That's far from an issue in most of Africa right now.  Also, 4 billion would be a big jump considering they're "only" at 1.2 billion now.


    Don't argue with me.  Take it up with the statisticians.  The birthrate for sub saharan African is insanely high.  4 billion is the number.

  7. 17 hours ago, Svein Forkbeard said:

    I had this girl in high esteem. No nudes, I thought, sweet and classy girl that knows to keep private what is private. But today it happened... I saw the leaked pictures. How stupid can people be. Another illusion gone.



    They weren't even risqué.  Not sure what you're mad about.  I see worse on Instagram daily.


    I would love to see Liz do some artistic B/W nudes.  She has an amazing body and it would be clever to immortalize it.  Time waits for no man or woman.

  8. Genevieve is beautiful and I would like to see her share more art including color but alas I don't think it's going to happen.  99% of people respected her wishes but malicious websites shared her photos.  It's a shame because her body is a work of art, and she works very hard to keep it that way.  I wish her the best.

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