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Everything posted by josledes

  1. Why does not she explain? A person who first enters this post puts that image. Does not it seem suspicious ?. In my country there is a saying that says: Think evil and you will hit.The English language, limits my ability to express myself and to be more subtle. But I try to do my best. Edit, the correct Spanish translation is: think wrong and be right
  2. She wanted to put that picture. In which head it fits that Candice walks naked in a public beach with her boyfriend and brother in swimsuit?, Let us be intelligent.
  3. Before posting anything be sure that it is not false, please.
  4. It's a troll forum and Shawky is a Candice fan, imagine what haters are like.
  5. Hello Shawty, we are known from another forum in Spanish, but no friends, the tactics of trolls like you to point out to others does not work here. This is a serious forum. Besides they do not understand Spanish humor.
  6. How many profiles do you have ?. You can fool a lot of people, even the administrators of this forum, but not me, I know people like you.
  7. I have nothing more to say to you, and the apologies would in any case be to Candice, not to me.
  8. You are a troll of manual, must be very sick and full of envy to say such stupidity.
  9. Enhanced version with close-ups and 1080p quality.
  10. Fabulous dress, worthy of a queen, crowned deservedly by Versace. The crowns on dress and shoes have a great symbolic charge.
  11. In Italian it says. The eighth wonder of the world.
  12. Thank you, she's fantastic anyway. I love Boitherm shots. They show all her splendid natural beauty.
  13. Remember this comment. Candice will walk in Shanghai 2017 with the Fantasy Bra.
  14. The dress she wore at the Tony Awards is great, a prodigious work done by hand with almost half a million crystals, the makeup I did not like too much, but Candice is so beautiful that she looks great with any makeup, and without any makeup.
  15. First comment and saying nonsense. I smell troll, Candice's avatar is just to mislead.
  16. Hello, good morning, excuse me if I do not express myself correctly because English is not my mother tongue, I just wanted to comment that Candice was phenomenal, something that is usual in her, but also with a dress radically different from the last gala in the Which participated. I know that some expect her to always show her curvaceous body, but she is probably tired of being valued only for that, and wants to prove that she has many more records as a model, besides a sweet personality and sympathy has a class and elegance Innate in her. She is art in movement, and that also comes from her fondness for ballet.
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