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Posts posted by morpheu

  1. 9 minutes ago, nhlovesadri said:

    She is almost 40, and not working much with technology in her profession, so if she is like the mean of her age I'm not surprised she isn't that tech savy. At least from personal experience here in Italy the majority of people around 40 can just do the basic stuff with their phones and that's it, and barely use a computer outside of the repetitive stuff they learnt at the office. They believe far more obviously fake stuff then this.

    It's pretty standard evreywhere that people in their late 30s and beyond aren't up to speed with technology and still believe evreything on tv.

  2. 1 hour ago, nhlovesadri said:

    She is getting the US Citizenship,  I took a screenshot of the video where you can see the logo and the writings near it and confronted it with the US Citizenship and Immigration Services, that has the Department of Homeland Homeland Security logo. See for yourself, they are the same.


    I hope it was a spontaneous choice and not a forced one, considering the current position of the US towards immigrants and the repercussions it could have on her work, and even family (her daughters are US citizens being born there, she is not, until tomorrow at least).

    USCIS-Logo.png vlcsnap-2019-08-14-20h02m51s295.png

    She is a millionaire,they don't deport millionaires.She probably never needed it because of her high profile and wealth and she could have just renewed her working visa over and over again,i do believe she may need citizenship if she is to start her own brand,whatever it will be.

  3. 3 minutes ago, lucyford said:


    I disagree with this. Adriana said she wouldn’t pose nude or revealing for an “empty cause”. She definitely was talking about those Love Magazine videos that were pretty tasteless since she said it was a video for social media. This nudity in the Vogue magazine is nothing vulgar. Plus it was black and white and shot from afar. The Love Magazines however were. 

    Stop feeding the troll pls.

  4. I don't see any lines on her stomach other then some abs and the red lines at the puma photoshoot with the blue/yellow stuff.The red lines are stretch marks.They usually form from losing weight really fast or/and gaining muscle which makes sense for her since she trains really hard before work.They can form on your shoulder or  arms as well, depending on the workout that you have been focusing on too.She is really fit now since last year.And they can  easilly be hidden by lotion anyway.They go away naturally

  5. 1 hour ago, Secondguardian said:

    When did Anna say this?

    Interview a long time ago when adriana was young i remember.And she never had a vogue us cover so it's no secret that she doesn't really like her that much.Couldn't care less about anna,the moment i saw kardashians on vogue ,it losts it's fashion exclusivity.

  6. Anna never liked adriana and adriana never seemed the one that kisses asses so i doubt she would care at this stage of her career.Didn't anna say a long time ago that adriana should only do commercials and not runnway or editorials?

  7. You can literally see in her IG stories before and after she wen't to him,no difference.And he is a dermatologist,look him up,he does facials and many different treatments.Also she always said she did nothing to alter her face,she wouldn't share going to a plastic surgeon because of that lol.

    Edit:Also after botox,you shouldn't do exercises for a couple of days,yet she was at the gym the next day

  8. 1 hour ago, ekn said:

    That Zeelander yacht was Marko’s, at least he paid for it so i don’t think it’s Adriana’s anymore.

    Think it was hers,she was still using it after they broke up,the media at the time reported that she bought it and zeelander advertised the fact that she bought it.

  9. 1.Her body looks great for somebody her age with 2 children and your showing a picture in which her waist looks great.

    2.She doesn't choose what to wear on a runway or photoshoots(you take one bad photo out of all the others in which she is smilling and interacting with audience and dancing backstage)This is for Puma sports brand not VS.

    3.She is 37 and like evrey damn model her age ,they slow down and enjoy life and do other things that don't require constant travel

    4.She has tens of millions of dollars

    5.She dresses the same since she started having children.Sometimes more covered up and rarely revealing.Like most humans do in their late 30s.

    6.She posts a lot of gym pictures in which she has shorts and a sports bra and she never posted lingerie stuff or even bikini if they are not from work or a brand that she works with.Once she posted a picture about her with a towel and that was the most revealing thing outside of work she ever posted.

    7.This whole reputation crap has been going on for a year and yet she still get's big contracts.


  10. Her career started because of Ronaldo.When she got those first interviews on the late night shows,all were asking about her boyfriend.Shortly after she started dating him she got her first big break with SI.She is just as smart as the IG models that took advantage of their parent's money and connections to get where they are.Only she did it with dating.She is beautifull and incredibly sexy and i like her but that is how her career got off.The whole beef she had with sampaio on social media doesn't exactly make her an angel either.

  11. 15 minutes ago, Corner said:

    Maybe Luna is new to internet culture? If you think Adriana fans do the most, I don’t think you’d survive in a forum where A list musians and movies stars are talked about, who have way more fans than Adriana, because believe me it’s a whole nother ball game.

    I mean, we’re not telling Adriana to date any guy we’ve handpicked for her, most of the discussions is assumptions and wishful thinking even though we’d like it if she indeed go for our types for her. But Metin reeks of bullshit, excuse us if we think she deserves better like any fandom would.

    I think I’ve said this before, but personally I’ve never cared about Adriana’s love life and I can’t even name any of her exes, but this Metin guy just gives off a legitimate bad vibe...and who knows, maybe he’s not even that bad...but as fans, we can talk about how we perceive anyone, whether what we’re talking about is good or bad. 



    Don't know who you are talking to but you confirmed what i said

  12. This is a fan forum.When it comes to celebs private lives fan forums and gossip sites comment section are in the same boat,always has been,they all know who's best for the celeb without knowing them.The difference is that haters are shut down here and leave.

  13. 9 minutes ago, *Luna* said:

    Feel free to correct me if I’m wrong but I have the impression that most of you on here want her to be with someone famous... Why? What would be wrong with her having a relationshing with someone who isn’t well known? I think for someone who has been in the business as long as she has, it can be very refreshing to have a partner who has a “regular 9 to 5” job. I just hope that for now she takes some time off to relax and focus on herself. 

    Being a writter is not a 9 to 5 job.Artists in general don't have a 9 to 5 job.

  14. Nobody can check if they lie about their earnings or not.It is not a crime to lie about them,lying to the IRS is a crime and they don't release that information other then a court of law.Some people lie about them to increase their exposure.

  15. 3 hours ago, nhlovesadri said:

    It's some kind of special skin cream and beauty procedure, right? Sorry but being a dude I am not an expert on beauty.

    I'm in the same boat as you.Creams and a machine that basically masages the muscles around the face if that is the machine she is reffering to in the interview.IG models from my country are advertising this sort off stuff alot.

  16. 6 minutes ago, jamiya said:


    Please check this video posted by @nhlovesadri to "Motion".

    She talks about a special facial treatment for the show.



    And it proves my point.She didn't inject anything into it,just some fancy facial treatment.Evrey model use different kinds of facial treatments.Nothing wrong with that.And even if she did,at 37 with 2 kids,no problem with it.


    check for yourself

  17. Just now, Souled-Out said:


    Adriana is getting older and naturally has high cheek bones. And today its in to contoure and highlight those areas. Adriana already has high cheek bones and a particular facial structure so she is going to have that look. But like I said, Adriana looks normal without the makeup. People always say makeup is powerful, no need to stop believing it now lol


    I just realize that the last outfit Adriana wore is similar to her very first outfit she ever wore for the show



    The only similar thing is that they are both bodysuits.It would have been cool if she actually wore her first outfit at her final show but alas VS long lost it's creativity.I am curious why she wasn't at the red carpet like evrey year.She was with her family and friends but still.

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