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Everything posted by uberglasses

  1. So she's had her full circle moment, now Eureka can get the hell off my screen!
  2. Monique did the best in the challenge, but Miz Cracker was the best overall. Cracker is like the bridesmaid of the season. Eureka wasn't acting as a baby because she is a real baby. Her outfit looked like discount curtains from a store going out of business. She's an attention whore and the show needs to stop trying to push her. I'm glad Mayhem got to appear on the show. She would've done better in previous seasons, but RPDR is so hard now (in a good way) and she just can't compete against these well-rounded queens. Now she can continue to shine along side her drag sisters. Kameron still bores me. Even when Ru gave her a chance to be emotional with Shania, she was flat. During Untucked, her kiki-ing contribution was boring. She did fare better in the challenge than I thought she would.
  3. I feel like Regina George telling WOW/RuPaul to stop trying to make Eureka happen! It's not going to happen! And on that note, Miss Vanjie... Miss Vanjie... Miss... Vanjieeeee
  4. Oh yeah, I loved Ru's look. It was fashion-Club kid extravaganza! Monet made me love Pound The Alarm again. RPDR has this way of making me love songs I've forgotten about.
  5. Ugh, I'll miss Dusty. Sadly though, I knew Dusty wasn't ever going to win the show. She's not the kind of girl that wins, too alternative for them. I think had her outfit been silver and not gold, it would've been safe. I do agree that her bra and panties looked cheap. Monet needs more finesse in her looks, but she killed that LSFYL. Aquaria did slay it, but I preferred Cracker's looks way better. It has more personality to the looks, a well-rounded feel. Aquaria is just a looks queen and you can't survive on just looks. I know Violet was more of a looks queen, but she has more personality than Aquaria. Plus, it was season 7... I love that there's a ball this early on! Fashion Photo Ruview should be fun. As for Untucked.... Eureka: "I think she fought with me because she knows I'm competitive..." Bitch, you delusional? No. She's annoying. The Vixen gave her a chance and Eureka confirmed she's annoying. In the words of Alyssa Edwards to Phi Phi: God, I hate Eureka. She is so self-centered and annoying. I actually think Monique is overrated... Also, I do think Ru was sick during the filming of this episode. She looked ill during the mini challenge and I can see why they covered her up for the runway.
  6. Aquaria crying in Untucked was too much. She can't throw it back and needs to realize how she comes off, a reality check. I was surprised to see Cracker have some grit. Monique wasn't thrown under the bus, IMO, so there was no real drama. Eureka needed to stay out of their business. When she said Monique talked too much and took over the group, talk about the pot calling the kettle black.
  7. Yeah, I'm disappointed in her leaving, but girl... her acting wasn't good and her butterface look was too pretty! Come on! You don't need a fake nose to look bad. Unibrow, crusty lips, warts, botchy skin tones, have a wonky eye! Even the hairs coming out of her moles needed to be frizzy. Also, I didn't like her runway outfit. So over Eureka's hair loaves. She's so overrated. Thank god she didn't win. Asia stole the scene. Blair was the best actress. I'm glad she's getting more screen time. I want to hug Dusty! Dusty deserves all the love and happy endings in the world I wanted The Vixen to go more in on Aquaria. Damn that spider, but I love how Mayhem jumped on the table, haha.
  8. Speaking of Miss Vanjie, this is hilarious: https://www.buzzfeed.com/christianzamora/miss-vaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaannnnjie?utm_term=.vlrgL9XN0#.djZez0xMr
  9. Have you guys seen this yet? It's such a good watch to hear 10/14 of them talk!
  10. Even if she doesn't come back, she's clearly left her mark. You already know what they're going to talk to her about come reunion time! Girl, I'm glad you started, but AS3 is not the one! I better stop before spoiling it. I agree with Glamazonia that the Holy Trinity of 4, 5, 6 need to be watched first! I even love 2 and 3! AS2 is almost-perfection. Welcome to the RPDR love!
  11. I find myself saying, "Miss Vanjie.... Miss Vanjie... Miss Vanjie..." randomly throughout the day. Damn you, RPDR!
  12. Have you y'all seen the latest episode? I have and I'm ready to discuss!
  13. I think the length has to do with it. The Dream Angels one is only 16 seconds compared to the 2+ minutes of the holiday commercials. I think the casual viewer's attention span isn't long enough to watch a long promo like that all the way.
  14. Yeah, I agree. I want a sizable gap between All Stars seasons. I think four seasons between no season and AS1 and then four more with AS2 worked. Gimme some fluff shows inbetween, like drag queens during the daytime doing shit, or playing games.
  15. Thank you for being so considerate with me and my avoidance of spoilers
  16. I think in the preview, I saw something very country-like for the mini challenge and it reminded me of Season 2's Country Queens, so maybe they'll reference previous seasons a lot? I'm all for them repeating the runway challenge and bringing back former queens to cheer them on. The Vixen's concept was great, but it didn't produce much in execution. Monet's ping pong balls = bubbles? No. Just no. She needed a wig full of them to represent bubbles. Who wants to look like dirt? Nope! I'm gonna need Blair to show more personality. Even in group interviews, she seems so reserved.
  17. Kalorie's was basic and needed more va-va-voom. I was charmed by Vanessa's look at first, but then upon closer inspection, it was just a pink and purple blob. She needed body. Kameron should have been in the bottom 3 with her basic look. Cracker should have won, but I'm totally cool with Mayhem winning because I like her. I loved that mini challenge. At first I thought it was just another photoshoot (a la season 8), but this one was infinitely better and so much more fun! I love seeing their dance moves and potential. I've watched/rewatched Drag Race about three times, so if I don't like a contestant, then I don't think I ever will, haha. The biggest change for me was Raven. I remember not liking her in Season 2 that much (but I did want her to win over Tyra) and then really liking her upon second viewing.
  18. And then Milk changed her aesthetic and went home! I don't think Sasha ever got read for it, probably because she knew not to do it every time. I was over Max's gray hair. Actually, I wasn't a fan of Max at all, haha. Not sad that Vanessa went home. I knew Kalorie won once she jumped splitted and tossed the money in the air. It was so ominous and spooky when Vanessa kept saying "Vanjie" over and over again. Loving Yuhua, Miz Cracker, Monet, Mayhem and more. Still not feeling Aquaria. Can Eureka go home? I love that Xtina impersonated Farrah Moan!
  19. Omigod, just finished the episode and we all need to TALK!
  20. Ahh, I don't want to be spoiled!
  21. Exactly, there's a fine line between confidence and cockiness. Dusty's married to an equally fine man!
  22. More thoughts: - The workroom looks good! I thought I wasn't going to like the upgrade, but it's not that much different. - I hope we see more of that side of Aquaria. I'm hoping she'll turn out like Trinity Taylor for me, where I didn't like her at the start, but did a complete 180. - Dusty, Kameron and Miz Cracker I would date out of drag. - I was charmed by Kalorie as well and just how easygoing and fun she seemed. - I didn't really care for Alexis Mateo, so I don't know how I feel about Vanessa.
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