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Everything posted by Poseidon

  1. Go for it! It's quite easy to adjust to a bigger phone. The problem is returning to a smaller one afterwards.
  2. Yes, I'm back! Are you ready for today?
  3. Yes, don't worry too much on that. I don't think they care all that much. I don't know of any other thread for spamming, do you?
  4. No, I won't stay much longer. Is it late in your country?
  5. Yes, we'll be sure to help you get to 100 tomorrow. This is a team effort, isn't it?
  6. Yes, I did find it horrible although... most of the audience isn't show. Would you like a longer show this year?
  7. Yes ahahah Do you think we should scrap this game and just talk normally?
  8. Do keep talking about my evisceration as if I'm not here.
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