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Everything posted by sweet-lady

  1. wow, i love it thankssss!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  2. thanks mandarina who is this guy?
  3. thanks dayrell i didnt see that cover, just wow!!!!
  4. Marco Perego & Raica Oliveira 10/11/2009
  5. yes leira, she's better naturelly in the candid (real life) welcome forever raica, thanks for your help
  6. anyone know what celular have raica? because in all her video, she have always a lot celular, i don't know her brand another question, anyone have before seen picture from the house of raica, or her apartement?
  7. it seems to be the same video that the other before posted
  8. marko have a lot of charme, he's not ugly so it's not very hard for adri to love him :wub2:
  9. thanks, i 'll send you a picture very soon never seen those before from caras with interview http://www.caras.com.br/edicoes/837/textos/raica-oliveira/
  10. she's awesome in those runway,thanks
  11. awesome avatar & sign mandarina, very good work do you can make me the same thing with a picture of raica (natural, without make up) please?thank you in advance
  12. I prefer raica without make up but thanks anyway
  13. yes, those shoot look like her ads for l'oreal
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