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Status Updates posted by Prettyphile

  1. It is the secret of the world that all things subsist, and do not die, but only retire a little from sight, and afterwards return again. Nothing is dead: men feign themselves dead, and endure mock funerals and mournful obituaries, and there they stand looking out of the window, sound and well, in some new and strange disguise. - Ralph Waldo Emerson

  2. It is the secret of the world that all things subsist, and do not die, but only retire a little from sight, and afterwards return again.

  3. It's been two days of WICKED fun! *cackle* One more to go, gotta make this one last lol

  4. It's Michea Crawford!

  5. It's my lady Michea Crawford!

  6. Joys of life, beer, spaghetti with meatballs and more beers lol My leg also hurts. I woke up this morning with a huge gash across the entire front of the leg, just under the knee. I guess it was pretty deep because when I woke up there was blood all over my sheets and into the mattress.

  7. Just goes to show that you don't have to be pc to be a mod. I'll go in history as being BZ's most controversial staff member no doubt... and I wouldn't want it any other way. Fighting the good fight one day at time *grin*.. Thanks babe!

  8. Layla, you're my person of the week. I simply adore you :)

  9. Le Shock, down to three stars, whatever shall I do. (ノಥ益ಥ)ノ

  10. Leveling sucks! Stuck at 80 till Pheno gets three days off so we can level together. I'm not looking forward to the grind amymore. Vashj'ir is stunning, but horrible and Deepholm is HORRIBLE for me. I'd rather stick my tongue in fire then level in that place... Almost every single one of my toons have taken inscription so I don't have to do deepholm for the shoulder enchant

  11. Lies! you know nothing, and you never will. Let's go run something... I can try and heal old kingdom...

  12. LMAO God damnit Japan! wtf? Sincerely the Rest of the World. Thank you for the gem hun *huggles* Happy Holidays :)

  13. lol I'm glad I could bring you some humor. You're pretty awesome as well btw. 5 stars for ya!

  14. lol my boyfriend! Thank you for the reminder <3

  15. lol no one bothered me by asking who she was, I just thought it was hilarious that so many people asked me in the span of two days. btw 32 days till Halloween!!

  16. lol Oh god you have no idea. Pheno can be a ragging bitch when tanking. "Get the fuck out of the fire and fire like things" ... "I mark shit for a reason".... "You pull you tank it"....

  17. lol the intern attire remains. The only difference is now I'm a sexy boss in power. >.< and personally that's even hotter ;p

  18. lol Ugh, who's Taylor Momsen?

  19. lol well thank ya dahlin! How come you don't like her? :(

  20. lol Well welcome to the darkside. It sucks, you're gonna love it. Where ya from?

  21. lol will do. I posted another video for ya. It's got Celeste in it.

  22. lol Yes the entire first season. I've noticed lots of little irks she has when the camera isn't focused on her. Normally happens when she's dealing with the older ones. I have a feeling as the little ones get older, and she doesn't have any toddlers to fall back on... we're going to see the cranky side come out more.

  23. lol your name is awesome

  24. Lurking back atcha! ;p How ya doing hun?

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