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  1. It's nice to know I'm not the only smart kid in the garden. However, I highly doubt she's in Illuminati. She's just doing whatever is told to do. Usually it is using pagan/occult/whatever symbols THAT DOESN'T LOST ITS MEANING OVERTIME (sic! occultists, satanist and other perverted minds use it for ages now, only mentally challenged people could think the meaning changed). There's a reason why those symbols were associated with evil all this time. After all, it's only symbolism and until she starts to participate in ritual murders or sth I don't have a problem with it. I just pointed out she CAN'T call herself a Christian as long as she's doing all that sh**. Is it true that Tay has only one year contract with VS? If so, I hope she gets fired for any reason. As long as she's with Peter Pan I can count on some scandals, they just have to mock certain kind of people this time.
  2. As I said before, I refuse to continue a conversation with someone who not only lack of basic knowledge and logical thinking but also put in my mouth things I have never said. This was the biggest bullshit I read since Sampaio post about homosexuality being a "normal" thing.
  3. 1. Fail. This is ancient pagan sign that you can find in many ancient sculptures. 2. Fail. Covering one eye is also an ancient pagan symbol. 3. Fail. This so called "fashion" business often use young and/or innocent looking models for semi-sexual pics. The rest is simple cause-and-effect relationship. I don't usually discuss with people with lack of basic knowledge and logical thinking mixed with ignorance and I don't think I want to.
  4. Did she really shooted something like that when she was 15? O_O 10 years to legalisation of pedophilia then.
  5. ...not that I expected any inteligent conversation on fashion forum
  6. It doesn't mean I have to be okay with barely legal girl in soft porn. I'm as serious as I can be.
  7. I'm about to throw up. She looks 15. It gives me creeps. Legalisation of pedophilia in 20 years confirmed.
  8. C'mon, she's throwing f*cking devil horns!! Cover her eye in one od the latest VS campaign!! I'm not saying she's evil but it's fair enough to say she's uneducated on this topic and not wise enough to question things. Just another naive model (like 99,9% of them). Bad company doesn't help too.
  9. She's throwing around devil horns etc. I guess she knows who she works for.
  10. Soo, how many guys she's been with before Michael? I'd like to hear something about her outlook on life, belief system, political background etc.
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