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  1. Here are some pics of my gorgeous friend from the last couple of years. She is so modest that she doesn't see how beautiful she truly is. What do you think?
  2. PS... When Meg is ready to talk about her past and future, I'm gonna have her read some of these posts. I'll bet she doesn't realise how much people admire her...and miss her even more!!!
  3. Please don't quote me when it comes to Meg's opinion about her past, present, and future. The truth is that she hasn't told me anything about her modeling career. If she feels the need to tell me, she'll tell me, And I won't mention what I know. Meg is a very modest and private person and I cherish our friendship. She isn't the stuck up self absorbed bitch that I've read in posts from people who "know" her. She is a great person with a laugh that can brighten up your day in a heartbeat. Megan has also been through alot since leaving the modeling world. That's why I won't mention it until she's ready to talk about it. And don't worry; when she's ready, I'll let you know!
  4. No... She didn't tell me not to say anything. I don't think she knows that I know about it. So I decided to just keep quiet about it. If she wanted everybody to know her history, she would've bragged about it a LONG time ago. I found out the other day from Meg's friend that she doesn't talk about it because she is afraid of what people will think of her when they read some of the lies that were said and printed about her when she got pregnant. I also believe that she thinks she's too out of shape to try again. She seems to have low self esteem, even though I and everybody else tells her how beautiful (and SEXY!) she really is. Of course she doesn't look like she did when she was 17. Hell, who does?!! But I'll bet those gorgeous eyes and that indescribable smile could still sell a few thousand magazines!
  5. She asked me what I knew about Meg's past(Yep...Jealous girlfriend alert!), and I told her what Meg told me: she did some modeling when she was younger. After the 5 minute RUFKM look had passed, she told me that Meg was more than "just a model when she was younger"... She was a supermodel. I guess my ex saw the stupid look on my face long enough, because she drug me to the computer where she showed me where I recognised Meg from. When I saw the Maxim ad, I almost shat myself! I had the biggest crush on her during her modeling run. Seems like she was in every magazine I saw. And when she dropped out of sight, I guess I forgot about her. When it hit me that my GORGEOUS friend was actually a former supermodel, I wanted to tell everybody I knew. Hell, she's and another friend have stayed the night over here a couple times. I wanted to tell the world that THE Megan Ewing has slept in my house, hung out with me in my house, and even taken a shower at my house... but I didn't. What stopped me was Meg...
  6. Besides the idiots she dates, Megan seems to be doing okay. She got to see her son last month, so that really brought back that smile that EVERYBODY loves! I don't know all the details about why her son doesn't live with her, and I don't ask. I figure she'll tell me when or if she wants to. But here's something that's gonna trip you out: Megan NEVER told me she was a supermodel! When I first met her, I recognised her from somewhere...but I couldn't figure out where I'd seen her before. With those gorgeous eyes and beautiful smile, I should've known right away. (Yes I am a fan of Maxim and Victoria's Secret, but there was no way my brain could fathom that connection!)... Anyways, after about a month of small talk, she told me that when she was younger she did some modeling. She didn't elaborate or make a big deal out of it, so neither did I. All was forgotten about that conversation(I forgot about it anyway!) for about a year... then my ex girlfriend told me something that almost knocked me on my ass!
  7. Believe it or not, she just left my house about 10 minutes before I saw your new post here! Haven't seen her for a couple weeks, so I'm glad she came by. She's a sweet girl who seems to always end up with a douchebag who treats her like shit and/or takes advantage of her. So yeah... I worry about her!
  8. Hey, all... I have an update on Megan if anybody is interested. She's a friend of mine, and I talk to and/or see her at least once a week. If this thread still has readers, let me know.
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