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Everything posted by HauteMaven

  1. People are giving her a lot of shit on DailyMail about her post, check it out: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-3429958/Adriana-Lima-posts-make-free-selfie-writes-lengthy-rant-job.html
  2. Ok so OP sent a submission to The Dirty calling out Gigi saying that she doesn't have any manners after this video of her with Adriana but the majority of commentors are saying that Adriana was being rude to Gigi in this segment from the VSFS Pre-Show. And with Nik Richie's comment on Adriana. Thoughts? https://thedirty.com/gossip/hollywood/gigi-hadid-has-no-manners/
  3. So on point. Just flawless, sexy, and classy all in one The God of Angels
  4. Least healthy in what way? That she's more of a balanced eater than strictly vegan/vegetarian/no carb, portion control lifestyle that most HF models go for? I'm sure her personal chef does a good job managing how she eats. If I were her, I'd just go paleo if she does struggle with her physique due to nutrition. Her father is very skinny even up to present day from the pictures I've seen of him but maybe she may inherit her mother's figure as she gets older and doesn't look after herself. Many more middle aged women would look a lot better physique-wise with a good personal chef and trainer so Adri does have those advantages with her millions so we'll most likely never see her really letting go of herself. I know people will criticize her looks and say she's "aging" and "doesn't look as beautiful" as she gets to her 40's+ but I'm actually looking forward to see how she'll look like as a middle aged woman. She'll be stunning, I just hope she doesn't go crazy with the botox/face lifts/fillers.
  5. I understand. Her absence in the VS Swim Special though is just tragic I feel like that's what's bothering me lately. That's a slap in the face for not only fans of Adriana but VS fans too. Even people asked Ed on his IG if Adri and Ale are leaving the company because they aren't part of the special At least she looked amazing in the LOVE Advent video, huge improvement from last year's video she did with them and damn better than anything VS has produced this year. I do want to see her do more HF runway work and get more Vogue covers this year, that's for sure. Less VS should mean more HF which I hope that's what her management is gearing towards.
  6. If VS gives her shitty outfits again this year, she better quit. Those 2 outfits that she got were NOT Angel material, no scratch that, they were NOT Queen of VS material. They gave the nepotism newbies better outfits than Adriana, the 10 newest Angels got better outfits than Adriana, even the veteran Angels had nicer outfits than her. This along with not letting her be a part of the Swim Special is shit treatment from VS. She said she doesn't want to quit and be there as long as she can but if I was her I'd be bitching to Ed and Co. if they want to treat her like this for the next couple of years.
  7. But you do know why more and more people complain about her waist over the years right? It's because of only one reason: Candice Many people online have done the Adriana vs Candice debate and the only reason why anyone has preferred Candice over Adriana is because of the tiny waist argument. It pisses me off because nobody ever complained about Adriana's figure before Candice blew up in VS. I've seen many ignorant people over the years deem somebody more beautiful over somebody that's actually stunning just cause of their "womanly" physique and not the overall package. Adriana IS the total package and she has more attractive physical features than Candice overall but since Adriana doesn't have Candice's 23" waist, they'll consider Candice better looking which is bullshit . Her waist was never a concern and people would drool over Adriana's body for many years but since Candice got in the picture, people have "higher standards". Even the Candice stans will say that Adriana has no ass when that's laughable because anybody with a pair of eyes can see that both Adriana and Doutzen had nicer fuller bums than Candice but the attention seeking contortionist gets all the credit for the "Best Bum of VS" even though her ass is a flat pancake.
  8. She has to do less direct oblique work, the blocky obliques need to go and it's not exactly impossible for her when we have seen her fit yet not so blocky back then. I wish we had like a montage of all of Adriana's VSFS runway pics in one post so we can choose which year did we prefer her figure.
  9. If it was her idea to be this small, I hope she realized that it didn't help as far as looking youthful goes. Youth is her biggest factor now with whether VS wants to give her exposure or not. She might as well leave now if she's not going to be at the forefront of the Angels since it does seem like they want to focus on the newer Angels. I hope many people complain to Ed and VS and ask why she wasn't in the VS Swim Special once it gets broadcasted. They need to realize they need to stop using a headliners name in PR and advertising when the headliner is not present.
  10. Where did you find those pictures from? I'm curious cause I want to know where she gets her hair done in Miami.
  11. I really think Dino takes it too far with her when she trains with him. Idk if she still trains with Michael Olajide Jr. but I believe Michael made her fit yet still look feminine and healthy (at least not as bulky as what Dino has done to her body), that's why Michael works with many VS models now. Too much direct ab/oblique work gives off the bulky square look and it doesn't help when your torso is square shaped like Adriana's.
  12. I wish her face looked that full at the VSFS , I think she did get too tough on herself this year with the boxing. I'm sure she would've still looked incredible if she went on the runway looking the way she does now. It's crazy how she looks drastically different in the face when she works really hard on her body, it ages her quite a bit. Now she actually looks really young, it's a shame that she had haters saying she looked too old when she does actually look youthful when she isn't hard on herself. I wonder if anyone else has mentioned it to her because I don't think she notices it.
  13. I'm sure if Adriana was posting more sexy pics like Candice does, she'd have wayyy more followers than her. But I don't think Adriana ever had that "look at me and my body" attitude at 27 years old since Candice is 27. I totally get that she's a mom, and I've heard many nice things about her (one of her close friends Orlene was a client at my boss's office, R.I.P.). Sometimes I do wish she'd show more of her modeling pictures but I don't think she likes selfies. Remember at the VSFS she said "All you have to do is raise your arm, and take a picture. It's not that hard." while all the other models were obsessing about selfies. She should have millions of more followers than her peers but I don't think she cares that much of it or her management wants to make her have the more down to earth vibe which is cool but she deserves a bigger follower base and the only way to do that is show off that you're a model or in her case show off why Adriana Lima is Adriana Lima.
  14. Yeah the whole Kendall and Gigi thing pissed me off too. Those two shitty models got better and more elaborate outfits than Adriana and way more screentime. Hell, even Pimp Mama Kris got way more screentime than Adriana and that's nauseating. This whole nepotism modeling generation just sucks so bad. After the VSFS, Vogue posts an article on their site on why we the people should call Kendall and Gigi supermodels? Like really, no matter who tells me "you have to call them supermodels" I will not, never. Adriana shits on them all the way and Razek had the audacity to put those two above her? Honestly Ed is such an ass to Adriana. If Adri is leaving VS, I want her to be in way more campaign work and get contracted by La Perla just like Naomi Campbell and Natasha Poly have been involved with. That'll be a nice kick in the ass for VS and anyways, the masses are seeing more that VS is a massive marketing joke of shitty quality, sweat shop products. I only saw 5% lingerie, 95% costume with all the VSFS outfits, it's laughable. Only really dumb sheep buy VS. Last time I bought VS products was when I was a teenager. My boyfriend's mother works as a sale associate with VS and she thinks the brand is a joke. VS doesn't even know how to size women properly for bras, that's just sad.
  15. Can you link me to the Vogue UK interview with VS that implied that? If you signed a contract for another year, she should be getting as much work and exposure as all the other Angels. It's pretty obvious that VS is phasing her out. She had the smallest screentime in the Holiday commercial which pissed me off big time cause she blew all the other Angels away when I saw how drop dead gorgeous she looked in hair and makeup. She was barely shown in commentary for the VSFS, little screentime in her actual runway walks, no whereabouts of her in St. Barts. People keep trending her the most during the VSFS but she's not even being treated like an Angel anymore, just a regular VS model. Drop her if you're not going to use her anymore jfc. They're only using her for PR yet there's no Adriana, it's pathetic.
  16. This had to have been the worst VSFS. Can anybody think of a previous year that had a terrible show like this? Terrible hair, worse makeup, blah outfits, no Rihanna, lack of Adri, ugly FB, I could keep goin on too lol.
  17. Wow you really don't want her in VS anymore. Like sure she is too good for VS but it's gonna be sad not having the real legacy around. She's truly made the biggest impression out of all the women that have been part of the brand's history and I hope she'll be remembered and missed the most once she leaves. Plus I'm gonna be put off completely by VS once it's officially "Queen Candice Era" . I won't be surprised if Candice will attempt to break Adriana's record in being the longest running Angel just so she can feel what it's like to have Adri's power and make people forget about Adriana completely.
  18. Does anybody have any confirmation that Adriana will be in the VS Swim catalog or the VS Swim Special? Neither she or anybody else have posted anything at all with her in any beaches. I hope she'll be in it but I have a bad feeling about her not being involved or being barely involved.
  19. But I think she is probably leaving. She did not shoot for VS swim of next year and there wasn't any reason for her to miss it.I've seen VS fans on the general boards say "not surprised that Adri and Ale aren't in VS Swim. VS Swim is all about Candice." Like is it a running joke that Adri isn't good enough for VS Swim now in these days? She deserves to be there, I don't get it.
  20. The first good pic I've seen of her from the show, thank you.really? all her Backstage pics were good.Funny how the makeup wasn't full on and stuff and her hair wasn't done yeta.jpg something about that makeup. It looked okay on some others. But everybody looked older and/or different. I think selena gomez had it on on the pink carpet too and she looked way older. I didn't go through a lot of her pics. I was just disappointed and was just over how she looked in the first wave of pics posted and the show as a whole. But looking back she did have some nice backstage pics.I can't sound repetitive enough, I just want her to leave. Idk why she's sticking around (besides for the $$$) they're barely using her. We'll probably see her for five seconds in the holiday commercial, if we're lucky. Hung did a damn good job on her makeup for the holiday commercial, she looked INCREDIBLE! I'll be damn pissed if she's only in that commercial for 5 seconds, especially since Candice didn't make it to film the commercial so Adri should get more air time.
  21. When she loses too much weight and isn't tan, she doesn't look her best but earlier this year, she did look amazing. I think she's too hard on her body when it comes to the VSFS these recent years. It's VS's fault they gave her shitty outfits, don't blame Adriana for this.
  22. I wish there was more HQ's of the pink leotard, I'm still not feeling it completely but I'm sure it'll look better on TV. I saw gifs of her dancing in it and her butt looks amazing as well as these pics of her in the nude two piece. Fact: Adri and Doutzen have always had nicer, shapelier butts than Candice. Doutzen is first place though in the butt category.
  23. I know many have said in the past as rumors that Adri has or has had implants. Sometimes I thought yes, sometimes I thought no, but with the weight loss, her breasts look much smaller than usual.
  24. Not liking the comments on Daily Mail about Adri. "She's lost her sparkle.", "She looks sickly.", "Lima's getting old. Still hot but old." She deserved much better treatment as far as getting the best outfits. Her outfits were unfortunately plain compared to past years and the younger models got much more elaborate outfits. The makeup was just plain, her hair was flat, and I think she should've gotten a tan. Is Ed really phasing out Adri because of her being the oldest of the bunch cause it looks like it as time goes by
  25. I wish I could agree with you on that but let's break it down. Judging from Dailymail since they get the most exposure and comments internationally, it seems like the consensus in the comments is that Candice has taken Adri's spot as "the face of VS", even saying that Candice is "the eighth wonder of the world" and everyone agrees on it. The DM commenters think Ale is a tranny and is basically on Behati and Lily's level of beauty even though she's been there for many years. Ale looked her best when she started with Adri but she has gotten too skinny and her face looks too hard since starting at VS. People on DM think Candice is better than Adri because she has a tiny waist and Adri has a straight and "not feminine" torso. I hate seeing those comments about Adri's torso, nobody was complaining about her torso before Candice came on the scene but apparently the audience has gotten higher standards on model's bodies since Candice's arrival at VS.
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