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Everything posted by joker101

  1. Uh, did TurboImageHost crap the bed or something? I'm getting that "Image V_______.jpg don`t exist on our server" for all of these images. Can someone reup them somewhere? Thanks.
  2. I know it was just posted, but the next like 5 pages need to be discussing this photo. This can't possibly be a real picture. I refuse to believe anyone can look this good. When someone's beautiful, the emotion scale goes something like: lust/immediate attraction --> admiration of something beautiful/artful --> awe of something incredible --> WTF. I think this picture just crossed into WTF territory. She is impossibly good-looking, it's as revealing as possible while still remaining tasteful, and it's a cross between a typical photoshoot photo and a candid behind the scenes shot ("just lying here naked in the sand ... oh hey, a camera!"). If it were black and white I would have slapped someone, but it's even in color! The hair, the pose, the look, the lack of (noticeable) photoshop/touching up, if any at all ... I've been in awe of her before many times, but this one broke my brain temporarily and I had to write about it. Best photo of her I've ever seen, and I can't even think of others because they've been erased from my memory at the moment. I've now run out of words. Her Instagram post is just people trying to type coherently, or text versions of people drooling on themselves.
  3. is ImageBam not loading for anyone else?
  4. Speaking of "sex" ... I made a tribute video of Rose using all of her SI Swimsuit footage from this year. Took a while since SI makes quick cuts and reuses parts of the same shot over which I had to blend, but I couldn't be more pleased with the result. She is gorgeous even with straight hair, but with curly hair she just goes to another level. She is the definition of "eye candy." Behold: http://youtu.be/s8NHYQchOGs She's going to get the cover for sure at some point. I remember Kate Bock won Rookie of the Year beating out Hannah Davis, but then Hannah just got the cover this year. Those votes are basically whether can you mobilize your Twitter/Instagram following enough.
  5. Ludicrous that she's losing to Erin Heatherton in the Rookie of the Year vote, I want to see more of her: http://www.si.com/swimsuit/2015/rookie-of-the-year/#models/rose-bertram Erin 30% (?!) Rose 22% Kelly Rohrbach 21% Probably because Erin's worked for Victoria's Secret and has more Twitter followers, but when you see them in motion, it is not even remotely close. Same thing with Kelly, no idea what people are thinking. Rose is a future cover girl for sure, especially if she keeps that curly hair. Absolutely stunning.
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