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Everything posted by TheCrown

  1. I wasn't trying to bully you. I really did find the gif funny. I take that back then, I saw your little response. Everyone's a bully for using a gif and finding it humorous and challenging people when they insult someone else. What do you expect. And bullying isn't even the word. Like you are so much better insulting people's intelligence because they use instagram. Whatever. Get off instagram and Get off of here since you have a problem with it all. And you sound very familiar btw. Ironic how you have only have a few posts and they have all only been on this thread. --I saw your account being made last night and you first three posts was all you had to say about her and instagram and stuff. You know what we do in the past but your account is super fresh. Made last night.You not fooling anyone. And have the nerve to ask us if we have life. It's you and the rest of the bots who have thousands of posts. Are you even a human? Or a robot? Forums are created for people to ego off with and against each other so I won't really bother anymore. I thought discussions were for intelligently expressing opinions about the work for this particular person. But it is really just an orgy for you people to yes, bully everyone outside your group and congratulate each other on your lack of respect for a person. Goodbye forever.
  2. Any person can't win by the way on a forum that is occupied by people who are on it so much of the time - Do you girls have your own lives to take care of? - bullying anyone else by your meanness and snide ways. It's a waste to even bother with you.
  3. P.S. Savanna and TKC are bullies. Just look back on how they've each treated people. Get real!
  4. Come to think of it,... she remarked in or around 2000 how she felt jealous seeing teenagers out because she was working, flying all the time and never got to be a real teenager so I guess she's playing now. Also... she has some truly unique work, really especially in the beginning. I think it is why for a while models were chosen so young not even into their teens yet because there is an innocence or naturalness rather that comes through the modeling work vs someone older who is not naive or who knows the evils of the world. But, really, I think - oh I better be quiet! Laugh out loud. I'm leaving now! I mean it.
  5. Instagram doesn't have an age limit. at all. so many people above adriana's age, famous and non famous on that thing. And Social Media is damn near a must in today's pop culture and industry. She isn't the oldest person to have one and she isn't the oldest model to have one. She actually admitted to snoop dogg and lily on twitter(before her team made the account) she doesn't have one and she didn't want to get one. Thats what took her so long to get it. it was like pulling teeth to get her to get one in the first place and use it herself. And she is barely ever on anyway. She is always active on it right before and after the VSFS give it a few more days and her social media will be stale and ran by her management again like it always is. And I think meanwhile, she should be able to post what she wants without someone questioning her maturity. Adriana posts various of things not just crap about feelings or what she relates too. She tends to post religious things and her kids and boxing. Does that make her immature too. I don't think so. But those are your opinions but you did ask what we think and I think its reaching to correlate instagram posts with wisdom and maturity and anything else. I still stand by my word that people read into every single thing she does on social media too much. But back to her using it, its her account and her life in the end, and there are so many not just models but celebs doing the same thing. Thats society now and thats their life. I damn sure won't judge because I belong to one social media and I use it how I please as well because thats what it is there for. I wouldn't want anybody insulting my intelligence and my general being just for posting things that relate to me on social media and I don't understand why someone would try to even do that. Now if all the religious text posts, poems, and sayings were replaced with just pictures of herself then it would be another critical story. Its instagram she can either post pics of herself all day, or post pics of her children all day which would lead to exploitation, or she can post text posts. Its either or, and I think you should just stay away from instagram in general if you don't like the idea of it, because there is only so much you can damn do on there. This came out too long. Okay, I don't so maybe I'm in the wrong place to be asking these questions. It was not an insult, but I'm sorry it felt like one honest. I remember that W magazine interview in two separate videos about social media and modeling and the change, so I don't agree with it, that it's better for the quality, but for the way one wants to shape society, I get it.
  6. Technically she became one in 2000 so 18, but I believe from my findings, she started with them no sooner than 17. Maybe 16 for all I know. The point is, precisely, I think being in the lalaland all this time without any real life living, it has its good and bad effects on a person, consequences, ect.. I know better than to get involved in a person's personal real life unless asked by that person. Especially a star. I just stick to the work part really. "I have to run!" I mentioned this in The first place because for myself being someone who knows a good portion or has rather at least seen a good portion of her work, I did come across her social media and what I said above are my observations. Something to think about, I don't know what any of you think about that but anyway, like I said.... Bye.
  7. Sorry, 17! I remember she was in February 1999 show. One of the better ones I think. Thank you.
  8. Don't you people think she's ...lacking in maturity for being 33 years old and using Instagram in the first place let alone posting such that is really aimed at for "teenagers" to go on and on and on about themselves? Is this the price of being a high paid ...Victoria's Secret Angel for life since age 18? Lack of maturity and wisdom? As purely professional she is a good model or at least has had some unique work, but this recent phenomenon of selling your personal life along with the professional, the personal has overshadowed the work and even taken away the mystique altogether of the person. Just my two cents. I did not come to fight, just to give honest thoughts. Thanks for reading and I have enjoyed some of Adriana's work.
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