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Everything posted by swt_decadent

  1. http://www.bellazon.com/main/uploads/month...85506_thumb.png Does anyone have more video of hear wearing this? Like the video of the photo shoot or the making of commercial? I only have the VS commercial.
  2. Does anyone have the E! sexiest beach bodies video? She's number 1 in there.
  3. Does anyone jut have Adriana's walk? I videotape the whole show but I just want to have Adrianas 3 walk on my ipod.
  4. I liked this better than last year. Tho the costumes are the best on 05 runway. I like Adriana's 1rst and 2nd outfit, I didn't like the third one. And I read somewhere Spice Girl performed 2 song? Anyway for me the best is Adriana and Karolina. I love how the audience responds to Adri seems a louder clap. I didn't really like Marissa Miller she seem out of place, too small for runway.
  5. Did Adriana open the show? What segment did she open?
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