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Everything posted by supermodel

  1. Um no, speaking out against something you don't agree with is just as important as being "positive". You don't know her. You think because you get to see candids and read statements, interviews that you know her. Until you've spent quite a bit of time with her or any person personally in your own personal lives, in person, only then can you ever 'know' anyone. I'm all for quality modeling. Having an opinion that isn't "positive", but is honest and sincere and not afraid to say what comes to mind, without fear of retribution, (and that is what is means to be natural) will always be crucified. Especially in a forum on the internet. Where you're all minions. No individuality. Moreover, you're so hooked on being updated and detailed about where this person is and their money and whatever else they've got, how do you honestly have time to be living your own life? By the way, she does have some nice work. It's not all trash. And anyone at all who cannot say because they don't know how, they don't know themselves, what they like, don't like, agree, disagree with and express their own opinions about anything, is in trouble. And has a lot of work to do on themselves. Many people live through these stars because they're afraid or whatever it happens be, they don't believe in themselves to live their own life and not care about some star because they know, that's their own life.
  2. Yeah, it is boring and a Hell seeing all the crap, garbage people rave about. It's garbage! It's almost unbelievable how much hype there is. And people go along with it. No on here has their own life. And you follow someone who all they have to give you is social media posts and updates about their own life they are living. So interesting. You people worship the candid by the way more than the professional work. What does that tell you. I could understand if the person shared something intelligent, but it's not at all.
  3. supermodel


    Don't you people have your own lives? Especially once you realize most modeling is garbage, like all the magazines. Adriana sucks anyway. She's a person like every other dumb stupid idiot who tweets and facebooks and instagrams and is fake. Can't talk about anything intelligent.
  4. Show us the real supermodels. These are not.
  5. Hate this. So ugly and black and white modern sucks. Not to mention, the shoes and shorts and everything make thin tall girls look a short and stocky. Ugh! Miss. She looked great in 2009's.
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