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Everything posted by RealFashionLover

  1. Rosie has always been really close to Candice, Miranda has been spotted out a few times wiith Lily for a brief period of time, then nothing...
  2. Rykiel? meh....at least let's hope she scores a campaign out of it this time.
  3. No NY fashion week, not even some random party...she chose the worst moment to go off the radar...
  4. I can't see why Bieber would lie...I am not a fan of his, absolutely not, but of all the models out there and of all the VS Angels who did the show the year Bieber performed, why would he lie about Miranda and not someone else and why Orlando would try to punch him for a bs he spread?! It makes no sense people. But feel free to believe what you prefer of course! When the gossips about Kerr and Bieber came out I didn't believe them, I laughed at them actually, but this reaction of Bloom rings a bell for me. And as for this "Maybe her team thinks that scandals make her more famous." Sorry but I disagree. She's a mother and she should think of her son first and put to rest scandals and silly gossips.
  5. Yeah and orlando bloom would go arund punching people random without any apparent reason...please! that shocked you... the lame punch out isn't the shocking part. the possibility this little repulsive disgusting brat slept with Miranda is not only shocking but extremely disturbing. have some standards Miranda, you're a mother. going from one of the most attractive men in the world and respectable over all good actor, to this discussing scum bag lousy musician child obnoxious celebrity... that's is shameful and disgusting! they were one of the most beautiful celebrity couples, shame what happened, and I truly hope that this disgusting kid is making up stories... This!! Orlando Bloom surely isn't a violent person, I seriously doubt he would have reacted this way without any reason.
  6. She's lucky to have such loyal and understanding fans. Good for her! LOL
  7. It's not the fact she changed her mind she denies she's ever been buddhist, it is way different.
  8. Good question....! "Buddhism: Miranda and boyfriend Orlando Bloom practice a Japanese form of Buddhism, which she began studying at a very young age. She explains, “I practice Nichiren Buddhism, chant regularly, meditate and do yoga regularly. Inner peace and inner beauty is very important to me. I don't like to talk too much about it, but what I will say is that it is very grounding and really centering.”
  9. Exactly ! She does what she wants, sure, but we don't need to know ... Sex is an intimate thing. Like I said, for people Miranda was the cute mom, now she's the girl who wants to get laid ( and some men will be happy about this ITW ... ). Perfect. Fantastic. Good job Miranda, good job ! *Ironic* Once again, I agree. She gave that interview, it was not 'robbed', she wasn't forced into replying, they asked and she answered. And spilled too much for my taste.
  10. If that's her aim, which I doubt, this isn't the best way to do so.
  11. I think this is some things we don't need to know, I don't want to know ! She said that she had some ridiculous proposals and now she's saying this ? Oh god Too much information most likely. Don't know why she needs that publicity. Yes, I don't know too. It was " The cutie mom Miranda Kerr " and now it's " The Freaking' hot mama Kerr " ... Sometimes I'm asking myself if she knows that theses ITW will be read by a tons of people, especially men ... Hope Flynn will never read this Same!
  12. I feel like we've seen these pics a million times already....wish she tried something dfferent, like covering up for once...
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