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Everything posted by lillofe

  1. She had another shoot in australia, but don´t know at which time. Just found it. https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=647125171991377&set=pb.120199444683955.-2207520000.1394267478.&type=3&theater
  2. it is REAL fur. 100% as Monita Baby said. And for that i dislike her FB page. I´m not willing to support this. Sorry. And everybody can take a free decision. As me too as i work as freelancer and i can accept a contract or not.
  3. I always read your post because i was very interested in her career. She could have a big career. But the truth - i´m tierd to wait, to be paciently. I really don´t understand why she is wasting such a lot of time with fashion shows like Basler. She is no longer 16, the time is running. Sure, she´s still young but to be a part at the big fashion weeks as for example Esther Heesch i think she have to hurry up.
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