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Monita Baby

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Everything posted by Monita Baby

  1. Yes, i know, Cara started her Career after her Asos job, but that's a very special thing and they were lucky circumstances. Usually the Asos models are all unknown faces, before and after they worked for Asos. So i hope, she will not booked to do again thousands of pics like a clothes stand, but has been committed for higher tasks, brandbook, ads, campain ect. Her great advantage is her face. For sure she has a contract, if she will modelling for Asos, or rather there is a contract between Agency and Asos. Or do you mean #AsosModel like #IMGModel? I don't think so
  2. Nice Polas! I hope she will be none of these standard models for the Asos online shop, rather it is a higher-level role-play for her, maybe for ads, larger thematic areas or a campaign – the face for something, similar escada. What do you think about the Dazed and Confused Pic on her FB? I think, it's not her, but i don't know.
  3. There are some new Escada ad banners i've seen, whizzing through the web. The only one I could screenshot, is the flat one...
  4. Cool, that's great! Thanks for this information! Not yet the optimal selection of images and the range of skills/looks, but a good start with all options to build up.
  5. The question is if Opa Klum really was interested at all to keep Sarah Anessa. If there is not a big interest by OE to hold her in the Agency, it's for sure much easier to get out of contract. I think, he does not bind the girls generally and reasonably at all. If he just can market someone bad, he certainly has little interest to engage a court process. I think he has a much greater interest in keeping Luisa instead of Sarah Anessa. Luisa is a money machine and a much more famous and puplic person. So it's up to Klum, if he fights for a girl. He has all options.
  6. He had this option in Janas contract to extend it as he wants, an afaik he did that already in the past... The only thing Luisa could do against that is throwing tons of lawyers at him. Maybe this is the reason for her silence and her stay. Do you have any source for this sighting in Bremen? That's right, there was such a clause in the past and it's still not unusual. If it was component of the contract, it is not immoral or inadmissible. Usually there is a period before termination of the contract, in which you can enter an objection. Often before daybreak of last year, depending on the contract. No idea whether luisa or her parents has really signed such a stupid contract. I just hope not. Maybe she has missed the date for the possibility of cancellation of this clause and now she must continue to work for Klum? Or she has not enough money to pay the potential claims for damages. http://www.canzlei-cramer.de/bag-befristung-im-arbeitsvertrag-und-option-zur-verlaengerung-zulaessig/
  7. This is so much 90s The syling, the fashion, the yellowed retro colors postproduction. Great. Or it looks like this, because someone so badly scanned directly from the printed edition?
  8. The other girl on that picture is her friend Hilke from Ostfriesland, so i don't think, this was shot in NY or Milano Carnival was just starting out, so you can narrow down relatively exactly where she is at the moment. Not in the "Modemetropole ihrer Wahl". I hope a little that she therefore is still in Germany, to finaly quit the contract with OE.
  9. Thanks, Mike. I like this shooting and also her styling Yes, the make-up is extreme, but in combintion with that mood of the scenery, the hard light and shadows and this kind of edgy fashion it dovetails nicely. A bit over the top, but purposed. What I particularly like is that subtle and incidental movement in the images and the foreground/background play. Edit: Now, after I have repeatedly seen the pictures, I would even say that it is one of her best editorials!
  10. The video is sweet, but i really don't the like the bigger part of the pics. Yes, it's a print cataloge - i mean the whole cataloge thing, and the main work of the australia stay seems to be cataloges. A gigantic mass of photos in front of clean background.
  11. Thanks for finding, lillofe. There are some few good pics at that, but i must say, i don't like this shooting, her attitue and expression. I have the apprehension that it is not good for her to make such a mass of cataloge-shootings. That positioned her far away from high fashion. Online cataloge things are good for the second range of agency models. Not generally, but for sure in that consequence.
  12. DeLorenzo "Short Stories AW/14" Making of Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ll6IomurA44&feature=c4-overview&list=UUWUMuIDc_MLgg154ljE_0-w
  13. OOOH YEEAHH! That's good news! Now we will see, if she really wants to be a topmodel... No cains, no excuses anymore. Good start with Escada
  14. Nice. Obviously shooted in Munich at milk studio. Escada's company headquater is also near by Munich, so i don't think that this was produced abroad. Too bad, that they modified her nose that much!
  15. Crazy, what they did with her nose at these Escada Picture A lot of Photoshop work! But a really nice result. Thanks cutlers. On the other hand very disillusioning to see her in Hannover, Germany.
  16. May i ask you to tell, what hints this are? I'm very curious!
  17. Any idea, where she is at the moment? Is there a current sighting?
  18. Silja Hansen Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/fotografie.siljahansen
  19. Cutlers, you are right. One time a little piece of fur: no problem. But the complete Equistyle Shooting was with fur. So i think, Luisa have fundamentaly no problem with that. If it would be really important for her, she would inform in advance. No comment to the Silja Hansen Photos...
  20. Mmh. It's for Pepe, but just the typical online-store lookbook stuff. I expected a bit cooler results, something new. To much of these things are not good for a high fashion career. But maybe i'am just tired about these iconic pics
  21. No way Maybe Cosmo Germany but never the Cosmo Autralia would organize an intentionally delayed publication for a junior model like Luisa. I think, the reasons for that are workflow or seasonal things. In one issue of such a magazine are sooo much models. Do you really think, that all these editorials are selected with concideration, if the models are bookable or in town at the time of publication? Or do you think, Luisa is the key model of IMG Australia? Cosmo Australia seems much more independent than you think. It's not the employee magazine of IMG. Sometimes editorials will be published after 2 weeks, sometimes after 5 months. There are several reasons for that and it's definitely not "Quite simple"!
  22. For what reason!? Why she have to be in Germany for this "intentionally delayed" of publications? Sometimes the intervals between shooting and publication of the final magazine are really long and not unusual. Even if OE is not behind the Silja Hansen shooting, luisa is still committed because of her celebrity status. This Red clip/interview with her will be shown right after GNTM... so the connection is not a random thing. Maybe Sarah-Anessa gets good money for this "job" but the reason is clear: publicity for Pro7/GNTM. With or without OE – it's a step back, because it's the same nasty society!
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