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Rap Lee

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Everything posted by Rap Lee

  1. I think that 2 picture is part of a bigger, watch this?
  2. I think this episode will important scene in last the movie I think Barbara will tell something important thing now just watvh her hand, it looks very angry because dont got something or dont worth it sg i dont know and thans APPLEAUTO for fantastic pic again oh sorry excuse me, LOVEBARBARAPALVIN lol lol
  3. yes 10 Mo later but not would be easy stolen, many people saves, first must kill hondreds of thracian warriors full of weapons and at last fighting with Dwayne Johnson not big chanca
  4. YES SHE IS, not just slavegirl it seems i cant wait till premiere how i stole film, now in hungary,later they bring to usa i think i will share with everybody here
  5. just some from Hercules till no Barbara but interesting ???
  6. thanks for new contants to everybody, thias ad exactly what I waitng Im happy so everybody worth it some more pic
  7. I think the best ad from Barbara the Intimissimi, this one also in top 5 so not easy easy making but nobody knows working or not so girl bike dog always good but always there is something what feel or not who watching its biological chemical thing so I dont waste my time for any other girls because Barbara is the best, I get everything what I want 311 sleeps till Hercules
  8. http://www.filedropper.com/mavi O M G 1506 viewer in first 10 min, so...
  9. so I wondered, everybody wondered Barbara why in Budapest, just now filming Hercules we need sleeps cca 310 (i will count) till premiere
  10. none, that was false news from Dailymail or who Cara was in weekend London eh mistake Barbara will member in River Island Chinese section when was Barbara last catwalk, cant remember at all a year ago or more
  11. lol, who first see this photo thinks that Barbara tits, i always remembered when seeing similar the well known FB fail pic
  12. soo UPDATE MAVI campaigne started will online HERE ---> http://kivancasor.com/ just watch big countback stopper more info http://www.cekilissonuclari.com/mavinin-kivancli-yeni-reklam-kampanyasinin-lansmani-canli-olarak-internette/ thank andreaab Barbara incredible beautiful I cant get air
  13. GOOD BREAKING NEWS tomorrow we get movie http://spothaber.com/magazin/barbara-palvin-kivanc-tatlitug-super-cool-43737.html
  14. just little bigger metric and little better quality of same pic above Pajtika (less jpeg articles) this shoots what waiting very excited everybody we need HQ, behind scenes vid and fullHD vid anyway
  15. Barbara so cuteeee Korean TV inteview OMG, thanks Loreal http://www.filedropper.com/bpktvi Barbara secret Box promo http://www.filedropper.com/bsbp
  16. 2 UHQ 2 L'Oreal Studio Line TXT 2013
  17. toorrow start London Fashion Week, FTV will focus un Youtube live channel, i hope we will se Barbara in River Island show live, plz
  18. Barbara will kill all Thracians! Because they're worth it.
  19. at last MBC fill up official video, and wow FullHd Barbara sooooooooooooooooooooooo cute
  20. G-Dragon Saying “Sorry That We Couldn’t Meet” to Barbara Palvin Singer G-Dragon promised to meet Barbara Palvin, a popular fashion model who recently said in an interview that she like G-Dragon. At shooting of KBS 2TV channel’s music show “Yoo Hee-Yeol’s Sketchbook”, G-Dragon was asked about fashion model Barbara Palvin who recently said in an interview that she likes him, and he answered, “I’m honored”. Then, he added that “I’m sorry too, that we couldn’t meet”. In an interview with an entertainment news show aired on Sep. 1, Barbara Palvin praised G-Dragon’s fashion style, saying, “He looks gorgeous. I like his bad-guy look. I’m here in Korea now but couldn’t see you. Hope to see you soon. Give me a call or SNS message.” Her remark drew many people’s attention. At the shooting, G-Dragon made a comeback performance for his second full album. The show’s MC Yoo, Hee-Yeol made a joke by saying, “Your performance was very good but your outfit is something I saw on people in rural marketplaces”, by which G-Dragon was embarrassed. The show was aired at 12:20 in the night, on the 6th. Source: YG Life it seems at last Garbara got roses from G-Dragon
  21. Aloha Im Barbara Palvin ILY guys
  22. yes, and L'Oreal team read my post and make Miss Kiss new lipstick campaigne plz Because everybody worth it
  23. soooo hard the waiting,my pulse on 200 https://twitter.com/mavi/status/374818775599546368/photo/1 http://instagram.com/p/d4Mcf5ndTr/ - just cant stop cont watching new Miss Pop vid http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CBzbNQabONU
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