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Everything posted by GTheFinder

  1. Marisa in Carmel Magazine: http://www.e-digitaleditions.com/i/506796-carmel-magazine-sp-15
  2. Without the shadowing. https://fbcdn-sphotos-e-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-prn2/v/t1.0-9/539589_390792090978166_99430319_n.jpg?oh=96c1207a78e54bb44653e5e7843ac642&oe=557B9DB9&__gda__=1433485430_32042be345bf9a05f94e2d625a9d0df6 Please textlink or upload images onto a host instead of hotlinking. This include images from social media sites such as facebook, instagram, pinterest, tumblr, twitter, VK, etc. For more information click HERE. Thanks! ~post edited by PinkCouture
  3. Never thought I'd say it, but finally, someone with a better ass than Marisa.
  4. Since there's been a lull in posting...
  5. For all you lurkers staying up but not saying anything , here's another video: http://www.glissin.com/vid/BTS.mp4
  6. Yes, she's helping a bunch of high schoolers find a cost effective way to get spray tans by giving them free tanning coupons for prom season. The infomercial/video is a promotional activity for "Glissin." Definitely an intelligent career move. At some point, those managing her will wise up and get her to do some kind of youtube video or something for exercise line equipment. That would be the easiest money ever minted, and provides an outlet to show some skin. At some point, the obviousness of the move will hit her and her team.
  7. Ha! No problem. Didn't know anyone still visited this forum. Thought it was a tree fallin in the woods kinda thing. There's also a couple pictures here, but not much to get excited about: http://glissin.com/
  8. I'm a fan of the twins. If you're gonna do it, might as well go all out and make all the men drool. http://pdl.vimeocdn.com/44518/931/219821166.mp4?aksessionid=364056efdda46d25e9f6f9763a4a891b&token=1398144286_8ebb191b6e996264f1bdabe30499f914
  9. Marisa will appear on NBC tomorrow at 9/8 Central for the 50th Swimsuit Special. She's in the final ten seconds of the clip here: http://starsentertainment.com/4994/sports-illustrated-swimsuit-50-years-of-beautiful-preview/ And she is wearing this:
  10. She seems to have a lot of untapped earnings power. I mean, could you imagine if she made a series of workout videos? She'd make millions, re-establish her fame, etc. From a general modeling career perspective, it seems she has a lot of potential that is going unrealized. Obviously, if she is satisfied with the career she's had, and wants to focus on the family, that's her prerogative.
  11. At Pink--for sure. I was trying to say I miss her regular fashion spreads. Also, it's crazy how few candid pictures there are of her recently, relative to the other models on her level (Ale, Adriana, Gisele, Heidi, etc.). As a fan, I wish she had the same exposure as them, but I understand that having a kid affects your ability to model. For sure. I think we're on the same page now. Sorry for my bumbling through that--It's definitely an irrational and misguided frustration on my part to complain about her career choices out of a selfish desire to see more of her.
  12. "Huh? What comparisons has she made?" Just so you know what I was referencing--she did that Women's Health interview where she talked about "gravity setting in" and whatnot. I don't remember any other specific language. I assumed that she was referencing the maintenance difficulty of meeting expectations vis a vis her 2006-2008 body. Nothing was meant as an insult to who she is now--I was trying to compliment Marisa's glory years, not insult what she looks like now.
  13. Whoa. Whoa. I wasn't trying to start a fight. I'm a Marisa fan. I just think it's a shame that she has effectively disappeared the past two or so years, especially compared to the daily updates we get from other models. I meant to compliment her--she has a body in the top .00000000000000001% of women out there, and it's unfortunate that she has scaled back her commitment to modeling. Of course I respect her right to focus on her family and make such a decision, but as a fan, I wish we got the kind of regular picture updates from her like we did in 2007 and 2008. No offense intended. It's out of respect for her fabulously toned physique that I made my comment. I was typing in a lighthearted, thinking-out-loud way, and I did not choose my words appropriately there. For that, I apologize, and I'll choose my words more carefully going forward so that it is unambiguously clear that I have nothing but a very high opinion of Marisa.
  14. I think that the 2013 version of Marisa needs to stop comparing her body to the 2004-2008 version. Seriously, homegirl needs to take her clothes off and get back in the game. The only thing hotter than the Marisa of today is the Marisa of yore, and she should do her fans a favor and eke out another 4-5 years of modeling. An aging/old Marisa is still better than whatever 22-29 year-old women are out there now. She got the body back after the baby, might as well flaunt it, otherwise--what's the point? She doesn't have to look like this to catch our attention. This still gets the job done just fine. I just hope Marisa doesn't let the memory of her 2004-2008 body cast a shadow over her future modeling decisions. That would be a waste of what must be one ungodly excruciating workout regime to maintain that body.
  15. Here's a pic of post-baby Marisa rockin' some killer cleavage. Babe's still got it. I gotta admit, I was worried for awhile when she completely disappeared there for awhile.
  16. Some chick sat next to Marisa at dinner and tweeted it.
  17. Hey VampireHorde, where do you post most of your Marisa pics? She's been gone from the game so long, I'd like to see something. Also, any chance she'd be in SI 2014 or are those days long gone?
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