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Everything posted by laladoodle

  1. I think she was kidding about the girls being kicked off the show (we would've heard about that) but not about a fight occurring. I bet Erin was one of the girls involved in it. When she started mentioning it, it reminded me of how after you get into an argument, you vent to other people about it, and then she realized that it would not be a good thing to share to the media.
  2. There were pictures of Lily and Kate together in NYC a few weeks ago, so it seems like they are friends, so maybe Lily is just keeping Kate company?
  3. Is there any chance they will get Miley to perform? She just released an album, and she will most likely have another single out soon. On the one hand, she might bring in high ratings because people will want to see what she will do/wear (less clothing than the models?) but I don't think the producers want the performer to get more media coverage than the actual show.
  4. The girl in the Michael Kors ad is Karmen Pedaru. Max Factor...I think that's Julija Steponaviciute.
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