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My Name is _______

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Everything posted by My Name is _______

  1. Would love to see Emily on "Naked and Afraid". Even though the show would devolve into everyone staring at her the entire time, I'd watch that even censored!
  2. Those videos probably still get a ton of hits from people who dig a little further than the blurred lines video, so they probably calculated that they could profit like heck off it. It's pretty unique for a rising actress and sex symbol like her to have a fully nude shoot of her available on the internet from years before.
  3. This is just...incredible to behold. It's like she's evolving into an otherworldly beauty. And also just the confidence to take and post a photo like that to your facebook, and to call yourself a sex symbol. She's trying to become somewhat of an icon of new age feminism, unapologetically flaunting her sexuality and political views, I'd say she's doing quite well at this.
  4. The thing that's crazy about this shoot is that it looks like she's just at this photographer's house. And if she's all up in his house, smoking up, walking around naked, in his bed, bath, you gotta figure she also let him smash... Crazy ol Emily and one lucky as photographer.
  5. I think it's just a rare case of a ridiculously beautiful women who also has a male's sexual appetite and is not afraid to flaunt it. I mean there's some girls you see try to force it, use it to sell themselves, but EmRata just genuinely seems like she's thirsty all the time. Plus a supermodel that can get laid whenever she wants need not be talking about watching porn...
  6. Funky looking tan + lipstick combination aside, its interesting how tame she is in these shoots compared to her other shoots. Most of her shoots feature and pretty much flaunt her raw sexuality, as if inviting you into her space, or saying "I'm gonna enter your space"...the SI ones are more like "hi, I'm posing for a photo :)" I didn't enjoy her in these, but the bodypaint ones would make anyone drool a lake...even by model standards those proportions she has are ungodly. P.S. I love that they blurred her cameltoe in her bodypaint video, not nearly enough paint!
  7. It was only a matter of time, would have been a travesty if she continued to be with the honky looking dude. Em is a unique combo of otherworldly beauty and carefree spirit, she's going to be part of a power couple soon with an equally great guy... Man fu** beautiful people..
  8. https://24.media.tumblr.com/f06d06af829058e3ea984f8724ec012b/tumblr_n0c2httnds1rhhdbco1_400.gif So cute, playful, and confident. Love this girl. Please textlink or upload images onto a host instead of hotlinking. This include images from facebook, instagram, pinterest, tumblr, twitter, VK, etc. For more information click HERE. Thanks! ~post edited by PinkCouture
  9. By Karl Rothenberger https://24.media.tumblr.com/236ccbfb0bb175a383507bacd40941d0/tumblr_mzdew3f1w21qe5rmjo1_1280.jpg I'd never change those sheets... Please textlink or upload images onto a host instead of hotlinking. This include images from facebook, instagram, pinterest, tumblr, twitter, VK, etc. For more information click HERE. Thanks! ~post edited by PinkCouture
  10. Emily is trying to be the kind of model (and I guess brand) who's totally free and uncensored with her body. No point in claiming virginity. Although maybe that's why she's with her honky bf. only dude willing to wait. But it's still statistically impossible to be a Euro-bred, California raised, smoking hot n' willin to take it off, virgin. 13 would be my guess. I kinda dig the stickers, don't care for the face being on it, but the idea of something sticking and having constant contact with her nipples is a turn on...
  11. We should be asking over/under on when she lost it
  12. Yep, you were right, I found her original passport photo, they just cropped her head and added color The passport photographer took extra ones on the house...
  13. Is it weird that I expect to find gratuitous nude shots of her in the pages of her passport?
  14. The preview still for this video Does the actual image exist anywhere? Never quite seen her do an open leg shot like that o.0 and this is from a couple years ago too...
  15. How does she make a bucket of chicken look so erotic??
  16. the Jonathan Leder photos are ridiculous...how does a man hold a camera straight with this beautiful woman writhing around in bed completely naked and giving you smoldering looks...I'd get the shakes new found appreciation for those lucky jerks..
  17. A person should not be allowed to be that sexy AND that sexually confident. It is not good for the heart. An Emrata photoshoot is like a seismic event, you feel vibrations and then suddenly it cracks the floor beneath you.
  18. What do a giant slice of pizza, rocket, and ice cream cone have in common? All 3 came closer to boning Emily Ratajkowski then we ever will. Life is unfair.
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