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Everything posted by diane07

  1. Thank you for your answer - it confirms what I said. It is just like we dont already have enough judgmental comments (about her personality, love life, even her charity works) in this topic. Natu‘s posts have been deleted only because she was talking about other model which is off topic to say. P.s. From what i see, it's more obvious that you intended to create a bad image of Natalia.
  2. It's interesting to see that natu's (critical) posts have been deleted. Personnaly, I don't really care about how Natalia Vodianova, or other models, is as a person. I'm eventually interested in her work as a model. But seeing this, if I want to know more about her work or her personnality, I will check other sources - it is obvious that this topic is meant to help create an image.
  3. Well, I think everyone must be able to have and give an opinion, otherwise please tell us if this topic is only to praise Natalia Vodianova. Personnaly, I admire some of her ads or editorials, her pictures by Roversi are magnificent, etc, but I agree that her story seems contrived. She even said once her childhood was not si difficult till her autistic sister was born. So she is, to me, the best "self-PR officer" ever - because true generosity and charity are discreet. There are hundreds of famous or rich people who help associations, and they even give a part of their own money, without proclaiming it worldwide. And as a person she is harsh one, who believes she deserves everything. Just an example of which I was a direct witness : on a set, she criticized the director for choosing a more beautiful co-star...
  4. But dressing like this and with these sunglasses is the best way to be noticed . It's a bit strange to see her dressed like this, it almost looks like she doesn't want to be recognized or something... Anyway, she's very elegant and I like that look. Can't wait to see more pictures of it.
  5. The preview of Belle du Seigneur will be held in Paris on June 14 at 20:15 in the Gaumont Champs-Elysées Marignan cinema. Natalia Vodianova and Jonathan Rhys-Meyers will join the event. Tickets can be get on the website of Gaumont Cinemas : http://www.cinemasgaumontpathe.com/films/ ( sections Paris / Films et événements / Les avant premières).
  6. Hello, This site is create only to spread false rumors concerning people who would be dead, married, divorced, etc. No interest, it's not even it's not even worth a look, it's all spamming.
  7. well, even famous people have to live somewhere. Anyway, I think the less we talk about, the less it makes other curious about it.
  8. Teaser for the french release of "Belle du Siegneur" http://www.allocine.fr/video/player_gen_cmedia=19497576&cfilm=60583.html
  9. The pictures are very beautifull, as well as the light and the colors and the clothes but each time Natalia is sideways, dressed in blue, you can see that his bust and shoulders are so skinny. It's different in the pictures, since a filter was used and the skin is softened. But in the video, it's kind of disturbing.
  10. Well, I personally don't think so. The man in the pictures seems to be more a kind of bodyguard than a lover, since he is on almost all the pictures where Natalia is. He seems to be the guy who takes pictures and videos of Natalia during some events.
  11. Oh, that would be a news. No, what I mean is that, when in Russia, she dresses as if she doesn't want to "shine" too much. Even for the Belle du Seigneur premiere, she seemed almost "modest", although elegant. Mee too I like Ulyana Sergeenko style but I agree with you Eos about too much is too much, especially when some dresses could make look even a little aged, or Natalia is still so young.
  12. Yes, it is a weird dress, without any shape, low-profile, like many dresses she wore recently, is she hidding or what ?
  13. how do you know it is badly produced ? There's no "preview" out there that Im aware of ? To clarify, no I didn't see any preview. I didn't say badly "produced" but badly "directed". Of course that's just my humble opinion. It is based on a very strong feeling from what I've read and mostly watched (photographies, movie and location reports...). I'd like to be wrong but I don't think I am. I even think the extremly poor quality of the work is the main reason of its invisibiliy. I even think Natalia (and/or other people) was advised to keep it from coming out, whatever it could cost. Again just my opinion. Hello, I'm not particulary a fan of Natalia Vodianova but I really can't understand how one can say, speaking of Belle du Seigneur the movie, "it looked pityfull, really really bad, extremly poorly directed" and also "maybe it's much better for Natalia if it never comes out" and also "everyone'd rather forget it" without seeing the movie. I've had the opportunity, thanks to a friend who worked on the set a a technician, to assist to filmings, during one day in Geneva. I don't work in cinema myself but the team and the director seemed very professional and the actors too, even if sometimes they had to do the scenes several times. Natalia is not an actress but she was good in the scene I've seen (Solal's lesson of seduction, for those who read the novel) found the scenery and the costumes beautiful. So, why "pityfull" and "poorly directed" ? Also, why it would be better for Natalia if the film did not come out ? This is her first real role in a movie. Should she be more proud of the caricature role she hold in Medusa or in Roman Coppola's film CQ ? I really believe Ariane's role is a chance for her to be seen differentely if she wants to make career as an actress. Finally, according to my friend, the finalization of the film and its release was delayed mainly by the director's deaths. I repeat I didn't work muself on the movie, I'm a teacher in France, but I was wery surprised by these comments that are not based on anything concrete, and that's what made ​​me react. Sorry for my English.
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