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Everything posted by zoolag

  1. Congrats to Bar! What an exciting year for her!
  2. It appears Candice has had a few personal photos leak as well. Edit: oops, siniko beat me to it
  3. Here's a little eye candy for you all:
  4. Seriously people, consider using Adblock if your web browser allows for it. I hear this complaint all the tine on this site. Download Adblock and no more porn ads, no more pop-up nonsense, no more ads before youtube videos,etc.
  5. What internet browser are you using?
  6. I was kinda bummed to see Kate get the cover again this year. Getting the cover more than once is fine IMO, but two years in a row (or 3x in the case of Christie Brinkley and Elle Macpherson) just seems over the top. I hope Nina gets it next year. I hope too see Bar and Brooklyn back too.
  7. It could have done without the closeup or the excessive kissing noises. Other than that, I didn't find it too disturbing. I hope she at least got a good paycheck out of it.
  8. This semester I have a really young attractive professor who reminds me of Bar. I would say "lucky me" but her good looks often distract me from her lectures. Oh well, I could have worse "problems".
  9. You're welcome Adira 1 min and 7 sec... very interesting. I wonder what Dominocity will say about that... Any idea what that was about? Was he getting too handsy or something?
  10. You won't find me complaining.
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