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Everything posted by CuriousNF

  1. If anyone can get into the categories here: http://stivell.ca/Pa...se_Charmel/35/6 they'll be more HQs and the rest of LC 2012/2013 collection. When I click on a link I get prompted for a password but I don't see anywhere to register! This is all I could get; 3 HQ and 1 normal:
  2. Few HQ courtesy http://www.dessus-dessous.fr
  3. Wendy's HQ Panos Emporio pics (I don't know if they were posted before but some pics here are missing):
  4. A few more smaller Lise Charmel swim, (there's more but with most of her face cropped off or such bad quality you can't see anything):
  5. Ok apparently both those swimsuit pics are old, she no longer does swimwear for them, only their main swimsuit models. But I did find these decent quality pics. Catrinel's old Lise Charmel swimwear:
  6. Few more Lise Charmel. Pic # 4 is actually swimwear -a new pic- and that tiny last pic is an old swimwear, both for LC. I know she posed in swimwear for them but I can't locate her old swimwear pics on the web; they only feature the main model.
  7. man you're f*** awesome! thanks here's 2 more for you then:
  8. Best for now, from http://www.dessus-dessous.fr/lise-charmel-c-115.html
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