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Everything posted by TheAmber

  1. I agree with the others... Sure stalking is a big thing, but as Marty says she is in contact with Mathias. I´m sure he would told her himself, if he would´ve a problem with it. As far as I can see, she never posted really serious here. Ok, there are names. But sooner or later things like that happen anyways. And it wasn´t Marty who started it, it was a family member itself. No one here is lurking at his flat... So calm down again. @Dahlia: As far as I know, he only have some car license. I´m stalking my friend right now.
  2. Yes, that would totally suit my impression of him. Talking about the way I remember him now, from that short encounter – but from the interviews and clips I watched lately, too. That really impress me, cause – for a so called supermodel, what he surely is – he seem to be still down to earth. According to that, he have to be a strong and humble persionality. And I guess I caused confusion now. I´m german, and I wasn´t sure about the english translation. But “to worm it out”, was the first translation of “jemandem etwas aus der Nase ziehen” on my mind. But as you seemed to understand it anyways, I guess it´s not totally wrong either.
  3. Thank you Marty… You´re always a really welcoming and nice person. And I love your blog. Thanks for that, too. I guess generally there´s no “wow” needed. *lol* Cause we really just talked shortly. He was such a shy person, that I lost interesst to talk to him pretty fast. *shame on me* He seemed like someone, who need to get each word wormed out of him (in german you would say “dem du alles mühsam aus der Nase ziehen musst”. I´m not sure if the translation is proper). At least with strangers... And for my part, I really couldn´t imagine him as a shop-assistent at gucci. That´s why I was so curious why the hell he was working as one. And I may could afford some travell to copenhagen, but I´m pretty sure I couldn´t afford some gucci things.
  4. Hey there everyone. I´m following this thread for some while now and wanted to thank everyone for this amazing pictures firstly. He´s such an an handsome guy. I was glad to met him two years ago, at some soccer match. One of his teammembers is my friends brother-in-law, and even if I´m not into soccer, it was quite fun. I can remember that it was a rainy day and he was really cautios in playing. I asked my friend something like if he´s just there to look good and she said he´s the gucci-guy and maybe cautios cause there´s some important job coming. She even said he´s generally a wild and fiery player. After the game, we went into some pub to had some drinks with the team and some friends, and I talked to him shortly. I got this whole Gucci thing wrong and thought he´s working as a shop assistent. I´m not from denmark, so I asked if there´s a Gucci-Shop in copenhagen and if he works there to study. Well, he looked really puzzled, but we were interrupted by someone... I just found out what she ment with “gucci-guy” one month ago. How embarrassing. I bet he thought I´m a retard or wierdo.
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