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Everything posted by Aliceinfashionland

  1. The pictures in the red dress taken in the castle are BREATHTAKING, and i mean really amazingly GORGEOUS!! Hope to see some great quality ones of those. However (and pliz don't jump on me and accuse me of bashing her) i am not really sure about the 'real life' pictures of her in that dress at the actual ball... the long braid and so on... it looks slightly silly. (i do get that the whole point is the fairy tale, but that's just my impression) But the dress itself.... they should make a whole children fairy tale movie around it!
  2. I got an invitation to the White Fairy Tale Love Ball... via the Naked Heart Foundation facebook page... LOL Don't know what to think... i really want to see that fashion show but don't know how much a printed page from the net will work for me as an invitation... Any thoughts? <_<
  3. Love the etam pictures, especially the day wear ones, she looks fresh/flirty/happy in them. As for the pictures for the Love Ball book, I am speechless! I want to have all these dresses!!!!
  4. I really enjoyed reading you Pautinka! Thank you!
  5. I made my point you made yours. I can't help it if you feel i'm patronizing. Just know that was not my intention. I don't know anything about you, (or you about me for that matter) but i do know that you "couldn't sleep thinking about Natalia's loneliness." That is what i was talking about, not about you as a person. I read that, and it struck me. If you think it's fine, and you have good reasons then good for you. This forum is about 'Fashion models'... I am not the one who started talking about Natalia's happiness or unhappiness. (which i think is fair enough up to a point.) Other models have more pictures and less personal life comments, which i prefer. That is my opinion and i'm allowed to say it. Maybe i should feel you are patronizing me when I read your last paragraph....
  6. [ I don't know, aliceinfashionland. I don't care that Natalia doesn't know me or doesn't care about me. I like her and I admire her. I find it nice to talk about her with other people who share this same interest. That's the whole point of Bellazon. Anyway, it's very sweet of you to care about my sleep and my deep exposure to the effect of the internet, although I pretty much don't know you and don't care about what you think. But since you asked, let me return you the courtesy. I'm also curious. I guess you don't suffer from this extreme consequence of the internet and magazines, as we, troubled people, do. So why do you come to this board at all? Bash Natalia is the only thing you do around here. I mean, you must know you've just patronized me for no reason at all, other than the thrill of it. Maybe there's a reason as to why. Be a dear and analyze that.
  7. I think it could be indeed that they need to wait until they will be married for ten years in order for the divorce to be smoother, it totally makes sense! Hadn't thought about it. I work as a psychologist. And i hear lots of sad childhood stories, Natalia's is not that uncommon. I'm sure it has influenced her, and that it is where this idea came to help other children in her country. But to the contrary of many people I think it's normal she should do it. Is it not a duty to do what we can to make the world better? Every one at their own level? Some more visibly than others. Many people in this world devote their whole lives to help others, sometimes in extreme conditions. I don't admire Natalia. I think she has overall had a very good life (and still does have a very privileged existence), and that she is only giving back, which to me is the least one can do. I wish more people would do it, because the world would be a better place. I'm not a big fan of the "famous people telling how they suffered in childhood" stories. I think it is one of those things one does to acquire sympathy from the public. I think it is very sweet that some of you sleep badly thinking about Natalia's loneliness, but at the same time i think: why care so much about somebody's life when that person doesn't even know you exist or care about you? It must be one of the extreme consequences of the internet and magazines.... We are presented with role models, preferably beautiful or talented, but sometimes none of the two, to love and to look up to, when actually they are not our real lives. We have no idea what they really are. We don't have a relationship with them. I'm sorry, i'm aware this is very off topic, but it strikes me a lot on forums, be it about actors, singers or models, lots of people saying how they think this person is so amazing! And i always want to reply: No one is actually more amazing or that different from any of us on this very forum, talking about Natalia. We just have a different part in this life.... and different means of action.
  8. I totally agree with all of this, especially the part that she is 'a woman scorned'... in a way, for her, it is almost a public ''''humiliation'''' and she is trying to rebuild that perfect fairy tale image while making him appear in a poorer light so she can go on unharmed herself in a way. It's true we don't know Justin, but we have eyes to see and we saw how he was always by her side and discrete, leaving her in the spotlight and behaving like a gentleman. (in fact, hardly ever saying a word) I meet him once, had a very short chat with him. I thought he was exactly that: discrete and charming, a man of few words. I meet Natalia the same day (yes it's true ) and my impression was that she was a businesswoman. Humanly speaking I could not tell who she was. I meet the model, not the person. (I was a little dissapointed at the time, I imagined her warm and adorable, an angel.... she was not) I still thought she was pretty, as I do now, but the dream and out of this world part of it was gone for me. This is why i defend Justin, but at the same time I do not say it's all her fault of course. (I'm sure she is suffering and I feel for her. But she is strong and will get through this) Just that she shouldn't allowed negative things being said about him, especially if when asked directly she says it's no one's business.
  9. About the story with Justin. Once again, someone from Natalia's side drops a criticism of her ex husband. I don't like it! Why does that person write that? Has it happened once that she called and that Natalia and Justin were busy having family time or with something else and that Justin didn't like it? Did Natalia perhaps use to spend hours on the phone with her friends (understandable) and did Justin feel left out because he didn't understand a word and because he was hoping to see her more exclusively during her brief off-duty time? (i know my boyfriend hates when i'm more than 15 minutes on the phone when we're together) So that writer, with her journalistic aura, concluded that he didn't like phonecalls "from Russia" and concluded he didn't like russians? ........ And thinks it's an interesting thing to write in an article about Natalia. "Poor little Natalia was abandoned (or "is finally rid of?) meany Justin who doesn't like russians? It's ridiculous. Once again, I am shocked that Natalia would even allow that to be printed about the father of her children. And once again it's a silly comment, quite immature and not really a frank one. A hint of criticism but not really. Just like when she said: one time, when Lucas was a baby, I was alone in a room while his family was partying... That certainly was the only 2 hours he wasn't at her side then. I don't think their relationship was a fairytale, but I also don't think Natalia is a fairy. A pretty face does not necessarily hide all human qualities. I think Justin was crazy about her for years and years, he followed her everywhere, she was his life, he did everything she wanted, spoiled her, supported her etc. Maybe in the last times it was starting to weigh on him, maybe he was sick of her deciding about everything all the time, and being busy with her carreer and her russian charity more than with him... who knows! If we have to comment on their separation (let's call it what it is), I think we have to consider both sides.
  10. I agree, all these vitamins are unnecessary for someone has a balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle... Actually one reads more and more that all these supplements are more of a marketing business than really effective. I don't know if we can call her a heavy smoker, but she certainly smoked a lot when she was younger. I remember reading an article about her and her husband a few years ago, and it was mentioned how they were 'chain-smoking'
  11. As I mentioned before, I totally agree with everyone saying she should wear a bra more often, especially with low necklines, because it makes her breasts looks saggy (which i'm sure they are not, i think her chest is just like that, but a bra would make it look better) and because it is inapropriate in public like that (unless maybe for a party at the playboy mansion) When you see the gorgeous dress she is wearing on the red carpet with Valentino, and then that half slutty look at the Calvin Klein party, it's like it's not the same person.... If she is aiming to look fresh, it's the total opposite that is perceived. I think that is more a look for Taylor Momsen. Provocative teen pushing the boundaries or wannabe star thinking that's how one gets noticed. Her best feature has always been her face, as someone pointed out. And it is not necessary to show your nipples for people to notice you've got an incredible body. Especially as people can see it in her lingerie adds all over the world and all over the net. I remember having a bad feeling about that Etam contract, she used to be a classy chanel-calvin Klein model, and to me Etam was the beginning of the end of the glorious Natalia area... It might have been a good business decision, but to me it altered her image in a bad way. When I watch her pose with Valentino, she looks so sad and bitter... in a way i wish she would stay out of sight for a few month and then come back with a renewed energy and happiness, because her act seems so forced nowadays that it becomes almost painful to watch... Maybe it's all directed to Justin, maybe she needs people's attention to stay afloat... I don't know, but whatever it is, it is not healthy...
  12. On post 8941, if you make the pictures to the biggest size, you can see some hairs on her upper lip and between her eyebrows. I think it shouldn't be allowed to photograph people so close up. It's an invasion of the private space...
  13. Really don't like that last editorial, not the hair and not the expression... she looks so sad and... bitter or something... I want fresh Natalia back please, classy Natalia... this is slightly gloomy...
  14. Love love loooooooovvvvveee! the pictures of Natalia and Justin together, especially the one where she is wearing the pink dress and he has a green sweater. I genuinly believe she would not have made it so big in the fashion world if she hadn't meet and fallen in love with him, not only because of the extra attention she got for marrying a rich aristocrat, but because of how it transformed her, gave her that glow. On all these pictures of young Natalia she shines, her eyes sparkle, she irradiates pure happiness and love. It makes me really understand how pure 'esthetics' :just a nice body or high cheekbones is not enough... there is the flame of the soul of the person that shines through and that is what attracts people. She is still very pretty of course, but the light is off... Natalia herself once said that 'when you have a positive energy, you attract positive energy'. It is sad to see all that gone, but this is planet earth: everybody's star shines at some moments during their life, but it can't shine all the time and she sure had her fair share. About the alleged romance, i don't believe it at all. I think after the big story she lived with Justin, and we don't know how finished it is, she has only a lot to lose by going out with just anybody. Her appeal to the public is partially made of the image of 'purity, perfect family, aristocratic husband, perfect mother... ' she has, that is the fairy tale, that's what is repeated in every article about her and she would lose it if she dated a 'party animal', she would become another type of 'famous person', her image would suffer from it. Also, she has a very busy schedule and three children who live in her and Justin's house, how could she invite a man in all that? Difficult to combine all of these things. Good for her to focus on the foundation but I hope she also spends a lot of time with the children who surely need her more than ever. About the picture with the turquoise dress: i think she doesn't like to wear a bra: there is a lot of pictures of her in different tops and dresses and not wearing a bra. I hope she sees this picture and realises that she needs one now... her breasts almost look saggy... not nice for small breasts...
  15. Sweet to see her with Neva. Though I can't think of a picture where that child is actually happy and smiling... the boys, especially Victor look full of life, but she is always sad-ish... poor thing, I bet it isn't easy for these children... And money doesn't make a difference.
  16. It's amazing how much these kids have grown! Lucas and Neva almost look like they are not the same kids! I don't think Neva looks much like her mum I have to say, she has finer features, more from her dad's side. And yes, it seems Natalia heard us... maybe one of her assistants reads the forum!
  17. So great to see her on the runway again. But I hope she does more shows with different looks because her, she looks... scary! A bit too masculine for my taste, though, obviously, that was the intention. I don't think her carreer is over at all, Carmen Kass and Mariacarla Boscono, so far I know, are older than her, or the same age, and they are still everywhere! If Natalia is a bit less present on the runway, it is because she got tired of it i think, not because she wasn't in demand anymore.
  18. Thedarknv I never said Natalia was a bad mother! Of course NOT! My reply was just to people who say Justin is not present enough or left them fending for themselves. (and remember that is a rumour) We don't know why they don't live together anymore, who left who or why. What I'm saying is: Natalia is not a perfect mother either. She chooses business over her family many times. That is her choice. (and it's fine) Justin doesn't have to work, he has family money. Good for him. Nothing to be criticized there either. I don't agree that Natalia needs to work to support her family. She earns millions for contracts. She could support 10 families with one campaign and still have enough for herself. I know she says she wants to stay in the limelight for her foundation, but i don't believe her. It is partly, probably, but only for a small part. I have always perceived her as a career driven business woman. And she has been very good at it. As i said in an older post: many people in this world do charity and dirty their hands, and they are not attending parties or being on red carpets! If she feels lonely as she says, I think it would be good to be home more often with all of her children instead of attending a party on the other side of the world. That is just my opinion. And I am sure that, even if Justin is now separated from her, he hasn't left her with no money. He has always been a gentleman from what i have seen of him.
  19. Sunshine, I understand the 'temptation' of being hard on Justin. But I think a divorce is never about just one person. Sure, we would pick Natalia's side because we have seen and heard her more. (We hardly ever heard his voice) And because we have heard her 'complaining' of feeling lonely. (we are more prone to empathize with someone we know better) I think Justin has been very very supportive of his wife and children for a lot of years! We don't know what happened between them and how they have decided to handle the situation, maybe Justin doesn't see them often but Natalia's attitude towards her children doesn't seem much more maternal to me... She is constantly traveling, promoting herself. I read somewhere that when she was filming Belle du Seigneur, Lucas joined her on set. So it is the kids who travel to see her? And what does he think of his mother dressed like she was? She could focus on her family in these hard times, she could have chosen to take some time off to be with the children, who must be suffering from the situation. Especially Lucas, who has had a hectic life for a child his age, being dragged around the world and being with different nannies all the time. When he was little Natalia said: "sure I can't be with my baby a lot, but like everybody, you have to do what you've got to do". The priority was her carreer. And according to me, still is. She says herself they have an army of nannies. I think she wanted it all (the fairytale relationship, the dream job, international admiration, the charity work, the perfect familylife) and she did have it for a long time. And now it imploded, because one of the ingredients got old. Doesn't that happen all the time? I don't judge Justin. And I take my hat off that he doesn't talk to the press about their private life like she did. She feels lonely? Go home and be with your family, any mother will tell you you won't have time to think about yourself so much. I miss fresh classy Natalia, who was replaced by ''slutty-look-at-me" sad Natalia. Pull yourself together woman, you've got a lot going for you, make the most of it, look forward, the past is behing now! :evil:
  20. Maybe self pity was indeed a strong word. I think I meant wanting to make people feel for her, have compassion. Wanting to help and to give back is indeed part of the image she wants to have. She doesnt want to be perceived as just a fashion model (= superficial pretty girl) Good for her. But she once said herself that she loves people looking at her, that she loved the attention. Now she says that being famous has negative sides, that you have no privacy. I find that extraordinary, she is THE most talked about model in the french magazine i read regularly. And that doesn't happen unless someone is constantly out there to achieve that. In other words, why does she do everything she can to remain in the spotlight if she is so desperate for privacy? She '''used''' her adorable family to promote herself for years, in editorials etc. She is photographed at every fashion event very regularly. She speaks about her poor sad childhood over and over: it is mentioned in virtually every single article about her, in many interviews. Much more so than other models of the same origin who certainly don't have much brighter stories. And now that her modeling days are for the biggest part over, she decides to try to be a film star. (live between England and Hollywood!) That sounds contradictory to me, to say the least. She could do like other models (Elle McPherson, Claudia Schiffer) who have a career and a business and live a family life but who are not endlessly trying to appear on covers, and do ten things at the same time. (Host eurovision, play in a movie...) She has a huge heart? There are millions of charity organizations in this world and people giving their whole lives for them, getting their hands dirty on a dayly basis, who aren't on magazine covers or living a jetset life. I think it's wonderful that she created this charity for russian children, and that she spents time on it, but that just makes her a decent human being as opposed to the empty hearted and fake socialites of this world. I don't know Justin, and I don't want to judge him for being rich or anything else. But one thing is for sure: he is gentleman enough not to be giving interviews about his wife disappointing him or how he grew up without the love of his mother etc. He never tried to use her celebrity to put himself forward, he was supportive all the way, as much as he could. He has defects, she does too. They both did what they could with what they had. I'm sure he was happy to follow her around, but she was lucky to have him there. She wouldn't have been able to achieve so much without him. As someone mentioned she had this glow, she shined love which was to me a big part of her appeal, she was just bursting with happiness. And I'm sure she will again! I guess generally speaking, I don't like people 'who made it', going on and on about how they had a hard time. Most people on this planet have awful times, just be grateful for your life that is so much better than most people's. But i guess it's clever of her, attracting people's compassion is always a good way to get more attention. I think when she arrived in Europe, she really was the princess of the fairytale: admiration, attention, love, money, beauty, perfect wedding, aristocrat husband, gorgeous healthy children, a face that made people dream... And she thought it would all go up endlessly. And then reality kicked in... That happens everyday, out of the spotlight. No one is entitled to perfection, everybody has rough patches.
  21. I don't really like that Natalia talks negatively about her husband in an interview, about facts that go back years. (They were all partying next door and I was alone with my newborn baby, poor me!) At the time, she was very happy and lucky to be noticed by him, and part of her success was thanks to him, and the decision of having a child they made it together. He went everywhere with her, how many models feel lonely indeed because they are alone in hotels and on photoshoots and on planes? He was with her at all times, backstage, holding the baby while she was on the catwalk, he had tons of money and she had babysitters. How many models are able to count on so much support? (think about that poor cute model who suicided in New York) I understand it is sad that things are not going so well with her husband anymore, but acting like a lady would be not putting him down in public like she does. She presents herself as a victim. She is not. She is a young girl who fell in love with a wealthy and adorable man, she lived a fairytale (in anybody's book) and her life made a complete turn for the better. And now, like many many couples, their relationship has come to an end for various reasons. (and it is not all because of him, I don't know many men who would have accepted to follow a woman at all times and adapt their lives to her and support her like he did for so many years. Maybe he got a bit fed up of being in her shadow, of living her life basically.) She says she is lonely, but aren't we all in a way? Aren't there a lot of lonely people in this world who are starving, beaten, abused etc? And her childhood was not a childhood? If I was her close family, I'd be offended by that. She says her kids are the priority but why is she not with them? Like many women with a career. I think she needs the spotlight, and that is why she wants to become an actress, now. And I don't believe that she does all that only for her charity. As i see it, she is not so much fragile and human as a fierce businesswoman. I think she is very pretty and good for Etam for hiring her, it did their image well, but please, spare us the self pity.
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