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Everything posted by Marnim

  1. No, initially her hair is light brown :
  2. Yes but not by 10cm Well don't believe me if you don't want to but even before that encounter I knew Brigitte wasn't that tall. There are loads of examples; for instance, I remember one movie (I think that was "Plucking the daisy") where she's said to be 166cm, her then-husband wrote the scenario so he knew her well. And there's no way they would make her 6cm smaller, I mean, who does that ? Everybody's always trying to look taller, not to shorten their height So yeah I don't think she was over 168cm, that's pretty much the maximum plausible height.
  3. Well she's not Plenty of other sources tell it, you can see it on the pictures when you compare with other people's known heights and I know someone 169cm tall who met Brigitte and who confirmed that she was way smaller
  4. 172 cm Thanks Nah Brigitte is not that tall We never knew for sure but it's more like 165/166 cm, maybe a bit smaller or a bit higher but definitely not over 168cm
  5. So true she's the most beautiful EVER !
  6. She's cute and what a stunning body ! :brows:
  7. Thank you ChildOfTheMoon I think you pretty well figured her out. Yeah some journalists do take some sentences out of the context but it's also Brigitte's way of speaking, she can be excessive sometimes but she's not mean. The problem is she makes those kinds of controversial declarations when she's angry, even what she wrote in her books, because she never rereads herself, I don't think it's a good idea but well, she takes responsibility for it. She was more courteous back then when she was a celebrity but since she started fighting for animal welfare, almost 40 years ago, she became more outspoken. Because from now on she was daily confronted with blood, massacres, human cruelty, millions of animals slaughtered daily...it made her so outraged and sad, she could no longer bear this global indifference towards animals, and she took her gloves off. Also people seem to have a very selective memory because they only remember when she criticizes muslim customs but she also denounces french, canadian, spanish , chinese, etc...practices (i.e : fur, foie gras, corrida, seal hunting, etc...). facebook
  8. Oui I know Lisa but I'm just mad that there are so many prejudices on Brigitte, it's unfair ! Because she's far more caring and generous than most people out here, especially those who criticize her without knowing... But you're right, we shouldn't waste our time with people who only believe rumors, who are willing to slag her off without taking the time to look for the truth. Ok let's move on and post pictures ! There are so many pretty pictures on Alamy, like those but the watermarks are annoying!
  9. Ok I don't want to remain off-topic but Annamaria, since you speak French, you should read the book "Par amour et c'est tout" of Brigitte Bardot et Emmanuel Bonini. As much as I love Brigitte yes I had doubts about her alleged racism so I read it. And she clearly ISN'T. Furthermore, as I've heard a lot of people say that, she doesn't value animals more than humans, she thinks they're equal and she has a caring heart for all the living things, all the weaks who suffer. Actually all the answers are in this book really...just a few examples. She wrote countless times to G.W. Bush,for instance to condemn the war in Iraq and beg him to stop it. And she wrote to the Israeli governement too in 2006 during the war against Lebanon and again she begged them to stop bombing innocent civilians in Lebanon. Surely if she hated Muslims and humans she wouldn't have done all that, right? In fact she shares many of De Gaulle's views, yet he's never been labeled a racist, on the contrary, he's widely admired. So yeah that's only a really small outline of what she does to help people, she is extremely generous and brave, and as a matter of fact I'm afraid a lot of people take advantage of her generosity and money. So now that now I've made it clear that she's not racist, can me move on please?
  10. Great pictures everyone! Annoying small pictures and watermarks though hope we'll find them eventually! facebook
  11. Oh OK I get it thanks Lisa-1, great video by the way ! edit: Hey Stefanobacci you wanted this one bigger right?
  12. Hello guys! Amazing pictures here, especially yours Stefanobacci but I can't make them bigger, is it normal ?
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