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Everything posted by Songlian

  1. I don't like a lot of things about her body. She has a gorgeous, almost perfect face, but her body is, to me, ok-ish at best.
  2. Wow, it's been like ages since I've seen or heard anything about him... Now I remember why I liked him so much. Thanks for the pics, girls!
  3. RAUL was the reason that I started studying Spanish, and I think now many of us: raulistas feel the same thing as you Chic Yeah, same here! I learned Spanish so I could understand first hand what he was saying. Now I'll probably learn German. I love these first pics with him. Everyone received him so nicely. I know he'll do great. Oh, and hi everyone. I skipped the intro parts of the forum in my rush to post in this thread. I'll get to it eventually, but in the meantime, hello Raul fans!
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