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Everything posted by Despoine

  1. Am I wrong or did Natalia a light english "mistake" here, mixing up "to learn" and "to teach" ? I think that "29 years of experiences that taught me (...)" or "29 years of experiences that learned to me (...)" would have been better, but I may be wrong, being not fluent with english myself at all. Of course such a "mistake", if I'm not wrong and if there is a mistake, would be very understandable from Natalia, as she is russian, so that's not my point. Of course, she could also simply have missed the small to. My point is that maybe Natalia is not behind this FB page, but maybe, who knows, a french girl ? In french the two verbs make only one, so that's a very common english mistake by french people I thought that maybe someone english speaking could tell us if there is a small english error in what Natalia said. I thought that maybe someone russian speaking could tell us if "to learn" and "to teach" are translated by only one verb in russian ? It's an awkward way to phrase it, certainly, but I've actually seen and heard English speaking people say it and write it. It's an archaic way of saying " taught me", I believe, because I've come across it in older literature. Some people do say it today.
  2. I haven't posted in this thread in ages, but I've lurked on it -- and I couldn't help but notice that someone posted my graphic of Natalia a few posts ago. It'll be the Natalia Picture with the word "Beauty" on it. The "Beauty" graphic comes from this page of my blog. I was very surprised -- and honored actually to see it here! You see, I run a Tumblr blog which, while it isn't a straight-out Natalia Vodianova fan blog, I do post a lot of pictures from her editorials, as well as graphics I've made using her pictures in photoshop (my current avatar and signature is an example of one). She really is my favorite person to make graphics of. I was bored one time and thought how wonderful it would be if someone made a live-action film of the fairytale of Beauty and the Beast and if they'd chosen Natalia to play the character of Beauty. I honestly think she'd be really perfect, because the character of Beauty to me is someone who is incredibly kind and altruistic and whose beauty not only shines on the surface, but from inside out.
  3. Thanks for the pictures Vanessaaa, CandyLady and fashionmistake! She's adorable <3 Love the i-D photoshoot! (I just realized only today that the reason why most i-D covers feature a winking model ) As I've said before, I love it when Paolo Roversi and Natalia Vodianova work together; to me he seems to bring out the beauty of her eyes like no other photographer. I'm curious -- Does anyone have a favorite photographer for (or photoshoot of) Natalia?
  4. Thanks for the welcome thedarknv! And thanks so much for the translation, CandyLady! It's such a well-written article. In a way, it reveals a lot more about Natalia than her pictures do. That's not to say that Natalia isn't expressive and evocative in all of her photographs for her editorials, but I really love reading articles that showcase the other sides of her, the philatrophist and the mother behind that model persona. I guess that's why she amazes me -- despite the fact that she easily could've kept her riches, she chose to use her influence and her resources to give back. As for Natalia and Justin; I like to hope for the best They've both denied that they're separating and unless they (and not tabloids, not newspapers) say or do otherwise, I'm going to stay optimistic.
  5. Thanks! I'm just an amateur graphic designer though. In my spare time I like collecting pictures of models and landscapes and make signatures, avatars and wallpapers out of them in photoshop purely for fun. Natalia's pictures are amongst my favorites to work with - who knows? I might muster up the courage to post more of them here some day. One of my favorite things about Natalia are her eyes -- they're the first thing I go to whenever see a new picture of her. They're mesmerizing, sad, beautiful and expressive all at once -- and sometimes they remind me of the ocean.
  6. Thanks for the welcome CandyLady! The colours in the Princesse Natalia ed are scrumptious; Natalia is ethereal, as usual. The second and last pictures are my favorite
  7. The new i-D cover looks fresh! I really like the colouring of it, it's perfect for spring. I'm so looking forward to the editorial. Most of my favorite pictures of Natalia have been shot by Paolo Roversi -- they make such a magical pair, IMHO. As for the Vogue Paris editorial -- it's breathtaking. I love the vibrant colours, the ethereal, fairy-tale aura that the pictures evoke. I don't buy very many issues of Vogue Paris, but I think I'm going to have to trawl all the bookstores in the city to get this copy! I'm also looking forward to the Clash of the Titans remake. I'll be honest: the Medusa pictures that appeared in this post don't look much like her to me, but I'm willing to bet that the last two sets of pictures were the early concept art of her. I was watching the clip of the Medusa scene several times last night, and the Medusa in the film looks a lot more like Natalia. Lastly, I'm new! (just in case my newness isn't evidenced by my post count enough, lol) *waves* Well -- not really new; I've been reading this thread for months now, and I decided that today I wanted to join the board to actually write things . Natalia is truly one of my favorite models; she never fails to amaze me, both with her print work and her varied projects. She's a constant inspiration, and a role-model that I look up to.
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