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Everything posted by Madai

  1. I agree, Josie has the most beautiful mouth ever, actually Josie has everything better than adriana. have you seen adriana's mouth his horrible, her mouth stick out too much, and when she smile or talk you could see all her gums, and her teeth are all mess up too she needs braces.
  2. I get this vibe that the guy rape her? how old was josie back the time she took those picture? she looks like she was around 15-18 years old. some of those picture is not her.
  3. http://rds.yahoo.com/_ylt=A9G_Rq2nk19ESikB...iemaran/135.jpg
  4. she is working, she's teacher, she's teaching childrens right now. she's gonna be back in television soon and do more movies after having her baby and getting back in fit rightnow she just getting a break, come on let her have a break. everybody deserve a bit of break. gets tired seen the same people in television.
  5. she had one, and they don't toke it off, why? what the hell is their problem, josie is the best and she deserves her subforum back.
  6. why the f... she doesn't have a subforum like petra, ana beatriz barros, horrible adriana lima, alessandra ambrosio when she's way better model, and better looking than all of those models that have subforum.
  7. wow she's so gorgeous, I just admire her beauty...
  8. Ana Carolina Da Fonseca no hotlinking please, use ImageShack for uploading images
  9. shania twain,catherine zeta jones, yamila diaz, kristin kreuk, petra nemcova, josie maran, adriana fonseca have the most beautiful eyes ever.
  10. 1. Josie Maran 2. Yamila Diaz 3. Petra Nemcova 4. Ana Carlina Da Fonseca 5. Jessica Alba 6. Ana Beatriz Barros 7. Ana Lucia Dominguez 8. Kristin Kreuk 9. Vanessa Anne Hutchison 10. Adriana Fonseca
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