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Everything posted by nino

  1. I made these wanted to share
  2. nino


    i will translate, with my broken english (as adriana's spanish) interviewer: you've said that having you daughter has changed your life and i want to know what have you done to not change your body. adriana: when i was pregnant i looked like a ball, i weighed 27 kilos more, to loss weight I have done many excercises. interviewer: you have been here,in Spain, for a long time now, I wonder if you already know the people from here, do you know who is Esperanza Aguirre? adriana: no, i don't know her, do you know her personally? interviewer: yes adriana: maybe you can introduce me her interviewer: I'll introduce adriana: yes, please interviewer: do you know who is Belen Esteban? adriana: how do you meet people here?! i have to go out with you, so you can introduce me people... there's no time i'm at home with my daughter, do you have children? interviewer: no! adriana: ahh, that's why interviewer: one day we can go out together, we go to party and i'll introduce you everybody, done, eh? its funny how she says VOS instead of TÚ , vos is said in Argentina:)
  3. adriana lima marilyn monroe audrey hepburn lika qavjaradze (georgian actress)
  4. nino


    sorry the third pic is this one
  5. nino


    they are from a spanish (i think it's spanish) magazine called MODA she is on the cover and then there is an interview with her ,well it's not exactly an interview but i don't know how it's called in english but it's in spanish...
  6. nino


    i don't know if this images belong to this thread and sorry if they are reposts and sorry for my english too
  7. nino


    You're welcome EliSuperSaiyanv12 more..
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