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Everything posted by BushmenKing

  1. Thanks for clearing things up, Joe. Heidi 9
  2. too freaky?? a woman with a healthy weight,who made the cover of S.I. twice <in the 90's.. not the 80's--was one of vogues favorite girls in the 80's- is too freaky?? thats some fucked up logic, my friend oh, wait. i forgot the number one factor here. she actually has the body of a WOMAN. and joe... you are such a sweetie pie... but the ashley round just confirmed my suspicion that people are dipshits. tsk tsk... Someone got touchy She's clearly an acquired taste, as many posters here point out. And if you like that kind of body, then more power to you... Olga 7
  3. ooh... a 10 obviously I know that theoretically women like Daniela P. and Marisa would be the em-body-ment (tee hee) of the perfect healthy women, but I just find Irina more appealing. Very feminine and soft-looking, but tight and toned in the right places. And that skin tone!!!
  4. Ashley 7 - Too freaky for my tastes Daniela 9.5 Has anyone put forth Irina Sheik? I'd volunteer with pictures...
  5. 9 At the end of this, can you please update the scores for us?
  6. Candice and Miranda could have been sisters... those gorgeous faces look quite similar ja?
  7. I'd have to revise my rating too. I love Petra's small waist as much as the next person, but Yamila is on another planet entirely. I mean, have you seen that SI pic where she had the teeny metal string bikini on? That is her proper 'peak form'. And I can't quite figure why, but I love her shoulders Petra: 8.5 Yamila: 9.75
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