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Everything posted by Keshey

  1. Gah, I absolutely love love LOVE these pictures! ^ (: Thanks Munichmarty! And the picture of Mathias in his football uniform... Oh my gosh.. I am speechless! He is too adorable, aww. He looks like a little kid when he smiles!
  2. Controversiaster, I love the second picture too. Awww And woahh, Mathias looks SO tan in the third picture! aha
  3. Oh my gosh... My jaw dropped while looking at these picture. Mathias is too gorgeous for words! Thanks a bunch Munichmarty!
  4. Mathias looks so tan in those pictures! The tan looks good on him.
  5. Oh my goodness... Mathias looks so good! It's really nice to see new pictures of him!
  6. Those pictures are too cute for words, Munichmarty! Mathias is definitely in the first picture! Bottom left Hahaaha and sporting a cool fanny pack I see.
  7. He will be doing a couple of shows there Yay, awesome! Thanks Faith.
  8. Thanks so much Munichmarty! We definitely need new pictures of Mathias, so I hope he's at the Copenhagen Fashion Week.
  9. Hey, Munichmarty, do you have links to these gifs/videos? Thanks soo much!
  10. That is so cool that his father is a singer! I wonder if the singing skills were passed down to Mathias. That would be amazing!
  11. Mathias looks so adorable with his beret, ahaha. Thanks Munichmarty for posting these pictures!
  12. Just dropping by to say hello from California, USA to all Mathias' fans! I usually am not very intrigued by male models, but Mathias is so different! When I saw a picture of him, my jaw dropped (hehe, a bit figuratively). His features are so delicate yet very strong and I absolutely love his eyes and lips. I also love that he seems so down-to-earth, sensitive, and grateful for all the opportunities he has been given. Can he get any better?! He just seems so mysterious and compelling that I think he draws attention to wherever he is or whatever he does. I wish him the best of luck! Ahh, he's so gorgeous.
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