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Everything posted by Akscorpio

  1. All of a sudden, I feel nauseated. Does "the boyfriend" have a job? He's following Ms. Ambrosio around like a puppy dog. To be fair, he's attractive. However, he's just too short , IMHO.
  2. Is she Adriana in this photographie?
  3. Sir, Oh how insincere... a stranger in her MySpace (http://www.myspace.com/christabellacontrosea) is using your original work. I honestly dislike fakers/posers/ or whatever the term might be. How insane.
  4. *Merci* everyone for the stunning photographies. [ *Passed out* ] Had gone to heaven - in between the fluffy clouds sipping my martini with my angel, Miss. Ambrosio. (wishful thinking) [ *sigh* ]
  5. My apologies for changing the subject, ladies/gents. But does anyone know if Adriana will be celebrating her birthday this weekend? Is she in NYC or in Paris at this time?
  6. Photographies were taken from www.delves.com
  7. Lovely Photographies. *Merci* ..... Mica.
  8. Everyone is entitled to his/her opinion. Oui! Aah..... Alessandra, she's seemingly unstoppable force of nature that struck my heart from the very first moment I laid eyes on her. MMM..... *Merci* for all the stunning photographies.....
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