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Everything posted by stylee

  1. Not. Don't understand anyone's fascination with her. Sarah Shahi
  2. Brad Nowell of Sublime first Bob Marley Son House Thank God I'll never have to put Keith Richards on here. As we al know, Keith cannot be killed by conventional weapons
  3. Seems to have a lot of friends here Knowledable about models Likes the beautiful Penelope Cruz
  4. Has a sweet name and an even sweeter sig
  5. Has a very distinctive posting style (with the centering) Seems to like talking to everyone
  6. Is my favorite person on bellazon. I'm not a regular around here but I think she's very cool.
  7. Works out and aint afraid to admit it Breaks concealed weapons laws when he wears shirts with sleeves.
  8. bourbon Salma Hayek or Scarlett Johannson
  9. I must be going crazy, holy hell. I must have been looking at the wrong page! Sorry! Please ignore
  10. Always seems cheerful and funny. Nice to me too!
  11. Decidely not. What's he doing in that NFL.com commerical, fa rizeal? Sarah Silverman
  12. Thanks, man. I appreciate it and I will.

  13. Likes 'em skinny from a warm place, and loves flavia
  14. Likes a musical group that I've heard quite a bit about but never actually heard
  15. OMG. That is the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard. Sad. Simply sad. I agree she is a little thick, but then again supermodels are perfect. Beyonce is an average woman with talent and a beutiful face. I don't understand...why are supermodels perfect, even if we're simply talking about looks? Most guys I know prefer her body to, like, Alessandra's - not because she's 'average' and they prefer that to 'perfection', but because they don't think "rail thin" = "perfect."
  16. Angelina by a LOOOOOOOONG shot. Esther Baxter or Melyssa Ford Esther Ford
  17. Of course Beyonce is not fat. Only the thin-obsessed, Cult Of The Ultra-Thin Model think otherwise.
  18. Seemingly contradictory pair of sentences here, no? I know that people's terminology always vary and there's no *right* way of defining things apart from social agreement on what words mean but... It seems to me that "opinion" is used too ambigously in many many cases (espeically instances like this). For instance, in the sentence (a) It is my opinion that 2+2=4 opinion means something completely different than in something like (b) In my opinion, Miles Davis' "Sketches of Spain" album is better than Beyonce's "B' Day" album. In (a), we're making a propositional claim about something with a definite truth value. (b) takes the same *form* but what really differentiates it from something like (b*) I prefer/enjoy listening to Sketches of Spain more than B' Day ? One response is that what makes something 'better' aesthetically is some transcendent property that is not related to/not dependent upon subjective enjoyment. I've got tons of arguments against that but.... it doesn't seem you're using it in that sense anyway, because you say it's okay to deny(and, I suppose you'd also admit, affirm) her beauty or talent because it's just a matter of 'opinion' (in the 'preference' sense). So why is the judgment that her picture isn't the *best* simply non-preferential while judgments of her beauty or talent are preferential/opinion? Where could one ever find any sort of impartial, non-preferential evidence to support the assertion that her photo isn't the best? This seems to be the problem that I have with some of nina's arguments. They revolve around admissions that while many people find Beyonce pretty enough to be on the cover (and I suspect most American males and SE readers fall into this group) , because nina and some of her friends disagree, Beyonce doesn't deserve it. You can't move from an is to an ought like that. No matter which characteristics of Beyonce we list (larger ass than models, larger thighs, dark skin, height, whatever), it's hard to say that because this is how she is physically, people ought to find her attractive or unattractive. The other arguments all seem to be built on the premise that SI has an obligation to increase the fame and fortune of models. Why should SI show a preference to one group of multi-millionaires over another? Because they traditionally have? That doesn't seem very convincing to me. And if I seem harsh, I apologise... ....no disrepect or dislike aimed at anyone here. You all seem pretty cool to me! I just like saying things as clearly as I can and sometimes that comes off as over-aggresive. Sorry if it does!
  19. Pretty face, though not remarkably so. Tremendous ass! Annoying overall.
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