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Everything posted by berols

  1. Do you think he would look better with dark brown eyes? Im curious as to what everyone thinks.
  2. Lars is special since he can ride the line between manly and young/boyish, but at the same time still look slighty unconventional. Mathias is not manly enough, and Cooper is too conventional. Anyway, I think lars has the best nose in the biz for some reason.
  3. I have to agree with Controversiaster and say that English men can be pretty plain wayne, only a few are good-looking. Besides, Andrew Cooper looks very american to me.
  4. I think that lars is much more handsome than mathias, because he is less girly looking than mathias. anyone agree?
  5. I presume everyone's hard at work looking for what his voice sounds like?
  6. nice but would look better with a good nose job.
  7. OMG thanks jewel!! that's a cute pic...he kinda has that "get that camera out of my face" look as for his nose looking like Montgomery Burns on the Simpsons???? i kinda agree ....but when he's looking straight at the camera, it's hard to tell his bridge is so long <_< ...still he's adoreable!!! what does "his bridge is so long mean" protruding or thin or ...? oh that just means his nose is more on the thin side....that's not a bad thing I would have thought having a thin nose was a good thing. Does anyone know what his voice sounds like?
  8. OMG thanks jewel!! that's a cute pic...he kinda has that "get that camera out of my face" look as for his nose looking like Montgomery Burns on the Simpsons???? i kinda agree ....but when he's looking straight at the camera, it's hard to tell his bridge is so long <_< ...still he's adoreable!!! what does "his bridge is so long mean" protruding or thin or ...?
  9. I wonder if he is as tall as 6 ft 1.5, he looks smaller in photos to me. hmmm. . .
  10. perfect 10 hey? I guess that he must be the same as or even better than your "cooper"! lol
  11. About his nose, I don't know what you mean when you say he has a long bridge; do you mean its too wide at the top or something? Anyway, i would be more concerned with his nostrils, that are a bit too flairy. And also when he laughs it hangs down a bit much don't you think?
  12. yeah, as in on a scale, and be honest, would he look better with another nose?
  13. how would people rate his nose?
  14. thank you sooooooooo much. much appreciated. where do you find this stuff anyways.
  15. Does anyone have any large pictures of him in profile please?
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