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Everything posted by iammaro

  1. 1 is Jeremy Dufour. 2 is Jeremy Dufour. 3 is Jeremy Dufour. Anyway,I think he is the best male model. 不管怎样,我都觉得他是最厉害的!!
  2. Jeremy is so funny~(*^__^*) ~~ :magic: Thank you~ faqet
  3. You are a kind boy...

  4. U are so kind...&so cute... (*^__^*) 嘻嘻……my english is poor~~~ i'm so happy to come here~~~ thank you very much.. (Y)
  5. I don't know which show he is in...~~who can tell me ? his hat is cute~~
  6. 我觉得他是一个很可爱很可爱的男孩子。。 中国论坛上有一些他的照片,都说他很帅。。 我是第一次这么萌一个MODEL,呵呵,很感谢 faget dashphire faith Taben SontaSejou persuazn canti eqiapH ILOVETrentini LEAH Angel717.....,传了这么多� �帅的图片,我现在有他的图片集800多张图图了~~(*^__^*) 。。太帅啦·~~~ 不知道他近况如何,中国方面对外国的男模不是特别多的报
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