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Everything posted by DarkBlue

  1. A beautiful pic am57.bmp am57.bmp
  2. Oh s'ngac is just so wonderful!! am116.bmp am116.bmp
  3. Oh yes !! You are very fond of Daria/Dario and those pictures of daria are very interesting especially the one on the motorbike Is that really her?? and the pics Judith posted very nice!!!
  4. Wow!! those pictures are great.......eword is going to like them.........i think some of the pictures have that tomboy elegence she likes
  5. Nice pictures eternity .........those are some of my favorites
  6. Happy Birthday!! Amanda Moore!!!!
  7. Very sexy pictures They show off her natural beauty
  8. sorry buddy ....... we love her and want to show it Eword you had to post the pictures with her looking at the camera like that............
  9. DarkBlue

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    listening to music
  10. DarkBlue

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    Depeche Mode - I feel you
  11. Beamy!! sounds like a plan! Now only if i can figure out how to post some pictures damn i must be dumb
  12. DarkBlue

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    Bjork - where's the line
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