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Everything posted by BG_Mila

  1. http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fusea...endID=188782088 http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fusea...endID=431014247 http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=146...amp;ref=profile all three of those profiles are from the same person, there all linked to eachother, those are the profiles that the screen captures were taken from, the "deleted" profile has the links up to her facebook and new myspace page.
  2. ihihihihihihi I think this is getting out of control people!! this is so sad and so funny!! haha! hey gui, if you really are her sister, can you at least show us all speaking some portuguese? so we can trust you? onde tu mora? eu tb sou brasileira, sou do RS e tu? como descobriu este site? a Anne sabe sobre ele? beijos beijos! btw people, this is Michella Cruz, Anne's friend, I think she kinda looks like Angelina Jolie, at least this is what they say in Brasil!! here's her personal fotolog http://www.fotolog.com/miss_cruz/34917786 hahaha.... Sou de Floripa .... Ela me ligou perguntando se eu ja leu todos os rumores ... Encontrei este site quando eu estava no Google, procurando sites com boatos sobre a minha irma, tentando esclarecer lhes.....Anne e Rob sao amigos por um TEMPOO, isso e tudo o que vou dizer.....ai .....vc feliz agora?? Bjossssss nossa, teu portugues e muito ruim hein...sabe, eu nao to nem ai se eles estao namorando ou nao, mas eu to me divertindo de montao com essas gurias deste site, eu acho a Anne lindissima e espero que ela e o Rob sejam muito felizes, eu nao sou fa do Rob, e nao estou com inveja nenhuma, pois nem acho ele bonito, mas tua irma sim... "vc feliz agora"...tu nao conjuga os verbos muito bem hein guri, ta precisando de algumas aulas de portugues, a nao ser que tu nao e brasileiro...passar bem! and now in english lol if you're her sister that I must say she's really cute from what I saw from some of her myspace photos posted here...especially the one with the big sunglasses and since I didn't understand anything you guys said even if they're dating they make a cute couple i know! does someone mind translating that into english? all right...I asked him if he really is her brother and where he lives and if Anne knows about this site... he replied that he lives in Floripa, and that Anne called him asking him if he already read all the rumors...he said that he found out about this site when he was searching on google about his sister and Rob rumors and he's trying to clarify them and that Anne and Rob are just friends that have known each other for a very long time and he asked me if I'm happy now with his answer... I told him that his portuguese is awful!! he really doesn't sound like a brazilian!!! I have my doubts that this person speaks portuguese... and that's all for now ladies I think this "guischoen" is also "guiberger", the guy claiming to be Anne's brother on Fashion Spot. Like I said before, he always posts modeling pictures of Anne and they way he talks about her is a bit odd. To me, he just sounds like a weird obsessed fan. He wrote on Fashion Spot that Anne doesnt have good English when I dont see how thats possible when she had lived in NYC for a year when she was with IMG and she lived in London for 8 months when she was with premier, so im sure her english is decent. I doubt Anne's REAL brother would actually be commenting on these sites, i've seen atleast 6 supposed "guis" floating around the net.
  3. It's super cute. There was one like that at Urban Outfitters but I think that was a while ago. At Urban??? aww man, I have been looking for a scarf in that exact color/pattern everywhere!!! Everything is PLAID now, ALL the scarfs LOL
  4. haha! awwww, look, he was so cute and young back then....look at those rosy cheeks! He sure has grown up!
  5. Myspace Screencap from today and all to say is, her scarf I WANT it! SO bad. Im almost tempted to message her asking where she got it....but that would be weird, so im not going to LOL.
  6. I have been convinced for a very long time that "A" profile is/was real, she'd had it for over two years, she used to be on the friends list of one of my friends, a club promoter, anyways, so I of course didnt pay any mind to her back then, but she was on his top friends....so....i dont know.... In those screen caps, the links that "Michella" posted, I went to them, and they are both completley different profiles, like fakes made by someone who wasnt even trying to convince anyone...two profiles i've never seen before...non-related to any of this......Its good she deleted that profile though, because not only has it been posted on various forums, like this one, but mainstream gossip sites as well, there was NO hope for any privacy after that...and im sure hundreds of messages from fangirls can get quite annoying after some time, lol...i would have to just cuss them all out lol. I think this is the new profile: myspace.com/anne_schoenberger maybe??? It looks very generic, like, no status or mood....seems she is trying to be a lot more private....and not many people know about that profile yet, I havent read about it anywhere....
  7. OR.............maybe Michella is the "friend" that is leaking all this stuff???? Behind Anne's back....thats what I think, it has to be SOMEONE that Anne trusts....maybe Michella is jealous of Anne or enjoys all the chaos and frenzy surrounding this topic???? Because that there is proof that someone was indeed leaking this info, someone that Anne thought was a "friend" I hope someone messages her and tells her to watch out for this girl! <_<
  8. This video is sooooooooooooo funny. A must watch!
  9. "A" left a comment on this guys page, saying she is deleting her profile and that she made a new one. I am very curious whether this is a joke....because she could easily be trying to get back in some way at all the girls that have been bashing and harassing her since Oct....OR its true...if its a joke, I think its very funny of her, and her comments to her friends are probaly sarcastic. Oh, and, just because I wanted to find out for myself, I look through her fotolog, and alll the pics on there are old, she hasnt logged on in a really long time, and none of the pictures that she has put has her main photo or that pictures that were on that screen captures are on the fotolog either. They all look like her personal, private photos and all recent....thats just my observation though.
  10. I havent scene this myspace anywhere, and it hasnt been scene anywhere or linked on any of those weird gossip/rumor sites...
  11. ummm. my friend just emailed me saying this: myspace.com/anne_schoenberger maybe anne got smart and made a new, private profile?? I have never scene this profile anywhere before, or linked on any sites....so maybe it is???
  12. um, it shows the last log in date from that fotolog LONG time ago, all the picture on those screen cap and her profile picture are not found on there. People, just leave it alone and stop assuming things unless you know for sure. Someone posted those screen caps on myspace at the official twilight site, in a forum, or atleast that how I found them. Im sure she will make a new myspace, all private, or maybe she already has private one, I know if I was her I would by now.
  13. hahaha, and of ALL the fangirls i've seen in the world, these Twilighter girls are INTENSE, just a whole bunch of crazy....and oh god, those Twimoms hahahah....oh, poor Anne, she probaly gets hundreds of messages from these 35 year old Twimoms saying "Stay away from Edward, he belongs to Bella, not you!!!" hahahaha. I do agree with you, that the only kind of GOOD media coverage, is when they are covering stars that are doing humanitarian work, because it is bring awareness to the casue....other then that though..PURE stalking......and the world loves it and its brings in $$$$$, so I dont thinking the "hunting" of celebs is going to stop any time soon. Sadly.
  14. fine, fine....you make a good point...I just feel bad for all the people that have thrown this girl under the bus, when really, it has indeed been the MEDIA that has made so much of this whole thing. The only thing that has made me believe that aside from what everyone has said, she really does want her privacy, is, as I said before, from what i've read, the only things she has ever said to these fangirls that have sent her messages and friend requests have been cordial, and she has never said anything regarding Rob to them, even though, from what i've read on various Rob/Twilight fansites, these girls ask "are you dating rob pattinson" etc. etc....they've posted all the replys she has sent back to them, and they are all the same pretty much. If she were really trying to create even more of a media frenzy or add fuel to the fire, she would be replying "oh yea, its true, we're dating blah blah", stuff like that, and she obvisouly ISN'T replying in that way, so that makes me think she isn't enjoying the evasion of privacy, and she isnt trying to spread and rumors. Also, if anyone has noticed, since i'm sure we've all gone to her myspace a few times, she has made it a lot more private, been so for about a month.... all in all, any celeb or person in the spotlight is going to have very personal, intimate info/photos, leaked...its the sad truth, but these people are so aggressivly stalked by media/fans etc etc. its impossible now adays to be a celeb and have a truly "private life"
  15. Do I hear jealousy?? Maybe????? sounds like it to me. You sure put a lot of effort into your bashing of this girl. I doubt most of the things you are saying is true anyways. Maybe Anne is a little on the ignorant side and trusts to much, who knows, i'm sure prior to all this Rob gossip she added lots of people on fb and myspace...how many people realy know EVERY single person on their friends list, or are BFF with each person? Any "non-friends" of Anne's could have leaked this info for their own sick amusement. Maybe they are just jealous of her, like all the other 459373859492934757 fangirls out their that probaly slit their wrists when then heard the Edwar- er, I mean, Rob, *might* be dating someone. Its already a known piece of info that Anne and Shannon Woodward are good friends. Also, how was this girl supposed to know the minute it happend, when he facebook/myspace were leaked? unless your a visitor of the few sites they were leaked on, its impossible to even know about them....I've noticed in the last month Anne has completley stopped posting her wherabouts on myspace. And lastly, what "personal" info is posted on her pages?? from what i've read its all very normal, usual stuff that people talk about on fb/myspace....um, her friends inviting her to parties, asking her why she is not coming out, saying they miss her, are happy for her, making dates to go out.......um....whats so un-usual about that? I know thats what me and my friends talk about on our comments.... just leave it alone. ps. from what i've read on various sites/blogs...the people who have attempted to add Anne on myspace/fb have all gotten the same, polite message from her. "sorry but do I know you?" if she were a real bitch with a bad attitude, im sure, at this point she would have been cussing people out.
  16. How is all the personal info on Anne, thats been leaked and posted ALL over the net Anne's fault???? You guys make her out to be an attention whore, when really, its most likely people she trusted to have on her friends list that leaked whatever info/screen caps.
  17. She and Rob have been friends for a few years, she lived with one of his bestfriends in London and is currently roomates with another good friend of his. In the last several months it has been said they are now MORE then "just friends"....but Rob's a very private guy, and so....no one knows for sure. But the actual "connection" the two have is they are indeed friends.
  18. True.....but I just wish people would reconize what a great model she is for HER, not who she is dating. She has a truly unique look and I really am surprised she hasnt had more work....oh well, she is just turned 21, so hopefully down the road we will see her doing more mainstream works!!!
  19. I just love this girl!!!! She has been a favorite since her Levi's ad. I adoooooooore her face, it is so un-usual...she has an angsty look to her, perfect look for both editorials on the more edgy side...or more, commercial beauty type of modeling....she cheekbones for DAYS! I really wish she did more work in the US, these designers are crazy not to be using her more, shes perfect!! Does anyone else agree???? What are your guys opinion on her? under-rated? With bestfriend, and model, Viviane Orth
  20. She has the private profile of one of the band members from The Filthy Youth, Jimmy. Damn! I tried adding him (since I loveee Ed westick and his voice mooore then his acting lol) and this guy didn't approve me!!!! BOO! lol Brent is one of Anne's very best friends in L.A. The Brett guy she has on her top is THEE major head promoter at SBE/Bolthouse, one of my good friends knows him, I know a lot of promoters in L.A. Jared craft is bestfriends with Markus Molinari.
  21. I think it does look like Rob....and we also don't know when this picture was taken....but, I will admit, when I first saw it, I thought it was TomStu!! And that wouldnt be odd, because it is a known fact that before ANYTHING with Rob and Anne, she is friends with A LOT his friends...her roomate in London was Marcus Foster for goodness sake! So of course she knows Tom...maybe that is him, maybe not... Whooo cares.
  22. hahaha! Thank you Jewel!!! Thats great! You say "just enough"
  23. It looks like she had her family on her top friends! Her brother Gui...he is very cute hehe and she has Victoria, Robs's sister, you can see a part of a comment she left on Anne's page....also, looks like Anne has Marcus Foster, who is one of Rob's bestfriends Even though it is sort of wrong someone Anne obvisouly trusted to have on her friends list posted these...it is pretty intresting. She is so pretty! Her candids are way prettier then her work photos, IMO...and her occupation is listed as a port-o-potty cleaner LOL. so she is a funny, sarcastic girl to...like Rob Most of the comments are in Portuguese!!! ahhh. I wish I spoke it!! lol, Jewel, can you translate anything else on her page??? comments???
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