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Everything posted by embaby1234

  1. i was wondering the same thing..
  2. Aww Look at Adri and Her mom!
  3. embaby1234


    heres a pic that shows her hand...
  4. embaby1234


    You can see in the video from Adrianaflima channel that she has bandages on her hand...
  5. heres a pic i found idk if anyones ever seen..
  6. I just got the Swim Catologue i was very disappointedd All i saw was Marisa Miller Sorry to people that like her but she just doesnt compare to Adriana!
  7. Hey i was just wondering if someone could post these 2 pics from afl.com from backstage that limalicous and cypress havent posted yet, My account doesnt work there anymore cause my computerr is a piece of crapp. That would b greatyl appreciated
  8. That may of not been her best interview because she did not understand the question. But did u hear her answer, she says everyday she wakes up she's happy, cause of her work and that her family's healthy. She truly is an amazing, what she said to that question really took my breathe away. I wish i could have a positive outlook like how she does everyday She truly is an angel.
  9. I really dont think she lost it, i think it has to do with bad makeup. I have somh HQ's from the event with the white shirt, and if u see her eyeshadow is gold and brown. I got my makeup done one time for my friends partyy and i was wearing a balck and gold dress so they lady but gold and brown around my eyes, and i have the same color eyes as adri, and when i saw the pics from it i just looked washed out. I think it did the same for her. It doesnt really make her eyes stand out.
  10. I think she looks amazingg! I dont think she's changed a bit. How can u think shes loosing it
  11. I think she looks amazingg! I dont think she's changed a bit. How can u think shes loosing it
  12. I think she looks great, better then all the rest without a doubt. I deffintley think it could b her makeup and plus the lightingg. Once we get the pics from the VSFS i bet youll see she's still beautiful as always.
  13. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vXoviCFLAFU Theres Adri at 1:42 Its only for a few seconds tho
  14. Its crazy the diffrence from watching it on the tv, then on you tube. The TV is like ten times more clearer i wish youtube was better quality. I didnt even realize it didnt have good quality until i saw it on tv.
  15. yes i agree with you, nothingless. I also think when she travels she doesnt really get to really enjoy where she is. She is usally there for a shoot and then leaves the next day. Its probly really stressful all the traveling and the packing and unpacking. That is what she said, that she like lives in a plane. I wouldnt like traveling eitehr, its was a pain for me to go form new york to arizona, cause at the air port something always goes wrong and its a stressful process. I cant imagine what it would b like for her, with all the traveling she does!
  16. wow! she was amazing even at 15.
  17. heres one of her when she was young!
  18. haha people are just jelouse
  19. that picture i posted isnt me, its my best friend. Im not saying they look exactly alike, cause that would b impossible. Adriana has a very diffrent look from everyone, but i think my friend and her have the same eyes. They dont have the same nose lips smile skin. So im really not "dilusional" I just think my friend is lucky to have the same eyes and i was just seein if you agreed they did.
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