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Everything posted by Bh17

  1. I love adriana but I will never understand why she arches her eyebrows too much and then overdraws them. Like thats never the look she had and its for a reason. If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it because thats why she has looked unrecognizable and not in a good way in the last two photos of herself
  2. Its insane how her team doesn’t do anything about this. Its obvious adriana doesn’t even fully understand the concept of a vaccine but its putting out strong and wrong opinions about it. But what kills me is she keeps posting things like that everyday that can be damaging to her image and nobody around her is atleast telling her to be careful. She should not use her public profile for such thing but she is and nobody is warning her not to. She is talking about medicine, politics and science things she isn’t educated much on and it shows. She shouldn’t keep posting that publicly it makes people think unflattering things about her. Sorry to say but she looks very ignorant and reckless, its reckless for her to go on a rant about that and act like she doesn’t care about having a job just because she doesn’t fully understand nor seen the scientific data of a vaccine. She has been making herself ignorant lately and its a shame nobody around her cares to tell her. They don't have to change her opinion but atleast remind her that if she wants to keep her job and what not, she should be the professional she is. Because if Adriana felt soooo strongly about this shit, she would actual quit her job and dedicate her life doing something conspiracy related. She isn't doing all of that, so she may as well stop damaging herself over social media posts. I don't understand why its so hard for her to be normal on there. Why can't she just show her kids and her work and go about her day?
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