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Everything posted by Tagold

  1. The image on the right is a cleaned up cover of Harper's Bazaar, 1987
  2. Christy sporting a Beatle haircut. Cover shoot for Elle, August, 1991
  3. @alaflamoute Thanks, best quality I've seen of this pic.
  4. "Artistry," Harper's Bazaar, 1993
  5. That is such a gorgeous shot of her, and in the best quality I've seen. Thanks!
  6. Two cover pics: China-Fashion, 1995 & Vogue UK, 1993
  7. @radolgc So, Did you collect it a long time ago? Do you have it in better quality? What's the link to your site?
  8. Here's another pick from ages ago that I think is now gone from the internet (at least I haven't seen out there in many years).
  9. The New York Times Magazine, November 10, 2002
  10. US Vogue, "Paris Play On", Ellen Von Unwerth, 1993
  11. Vogue Italia covers, 1987 & 1986
  12. @Raisa Those are wonderful, thanks!
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