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Everything posted by Eleanor

  1. Thank you all so much. I didn't realize the first time how beautiful she looked in this editorial. Thanks a MILLION. (Those scans really are incredible.)
  2. Hey, everyone. I originally got this<ahref="http://www.ntsearch.com/search.php?q=pictures&v=56">picture</a>from this forum around October of last year, but I never got around to saving the rest of them before everything was reset. If anyone has any of them, could you please help me out...? Thanks in advance. Also, if they are already posted, just let me know. I may have over looked them.
  3. Wow, those scans are SO incredible! Thanks you SO MUCH! She really is truely beautiful, and she seems like she has the personality to match. I really hope she is the next big mega-supermodel. She deserves it. Sometimes I feel like she is under rated. She seems like she has to work really hard to get the attention that the "other brazilians" get naturally, which is okay, but I really want her to be the one with the staying power. Adriana too, but definately Ana.
  4. ...and credit to the original scanner.
  5. I'm sorry if these are reposts. I kinda stumbled across these on the web. They're new to me. I'm not really sure how to post with the pixels or anything, so forgive me if I go over 600.
  6. Sweet Lady, do you know what magazine that's from? Or is it from the Marie Clair one above? She looks incredible in those pictures. Thanks.
  7. Wow, yeah, Neo. I can really see the resemblence.
  8. Thank you, I've found it.
  9. Hello Everyone!!! I just want to say that I love this website, and I would like to thank everyone for contributing so many amazing pictures of these models!!! I'd been google-ing Ana and Adriana, Fernanda, and Gisele for forever now, and I always got back really crappy results, so I am SOOOO happy to have found this site. I have a question though, what is the "World Fashion Tour," and could someone tell me how to get there? I would like to look at the Victorias Secret Fashion Show pictures of Ana mentioned a few pages back. Thank You So Much!
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