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Everything posted by Lasveranza

  1. Just got the physical copies. The calendar itself is comparable in size and quality to the other colour calendar. Something definitely has changed in the way taxes and tolls are handled in the past years. The last calendar was also over 22 Euros including shipping cost and i had no additional tolls or taxes to pay (and it also went through customs, but with no fee). This time (probably due to the expensive and limited shipping options) there was a substantial amount of taxes and service fees included, resulting in about 50% more cost. So, just as a word of warning: The shipping cost to EU does NOT include any extra fees from DHL or the tax (as i was used to from older orders or other internet shops).
  2. It looks actually good and i do not mind a swimsuit calendar. But somehow the shipping fee increas a lot for me too...i checked the 2016 order and back then it was 15$ instead of 46$ now. Maybe if more want to order from germany or europe, we could check if ordering more than one (assuming the $46 will be per order and not per copy) and share the shipping fee will be cheaper (even when including the continental fee after the first receives the copies)?
  3. There is a point to comparing this with the music industry, but only when it comes to successfull marketing, pricing and getting your product out successfully. Prices are too high or the targetted group too small or not even knowing there is a product or they just do not like the way/location products are sold? -> you'll sell less Also i would agree there is a difference between stealing a digital goods (the missed out revenue argument used by both industries is at best a fishy one) and physical goods, but you still do not have a "right" to any of them. With the music industry many from the industry saw private use and sharing as kind of marketing and tolerated it, but if you do it too blatantly and with an attitude that you do no wrong, you are wrong. When the artist sees, that you would not buy anyway or they can affort to loose you as potential customer, they will stop tolerating "sharing". With some photographers i would think, that patreon is simply the wrong platform. WIth programmers i have seen it can be a bad thing, since you basically pay for the development as customer up front, which is a new phenomena and not customer-friendly. The content becomes less and less and the price you paid for some breadcrumbs becomes higher and higher (even on 1$ tiers). On the other hand i can not yet see this with photographers, many have good content and release it regularly. Still i think patreon is not the best platform for it, since as customer in effect you pay a monthly fee for just the new releases or you wait and pay once...making the cost per product completely intransparent and variable. It should be a platform for people who are fine with actually kind of being a patron or support someone and not a sales platform. For me it looks more like a shift from selling something to giving away licenses to view. If you rely on it as artist for sales, i am sure it will backfire in the long run. That said, the pictures are awesome and no doubt worth a good price. And afaik, the digital issues of treats are not really that expensive. But look to the patron and you'll see, that the pricing is targetted on on/off subbing, rather than a constant flow or sub.
  4. Seems a good cause and not just a making money issue, if these are actually physical prints with a limited signed number. Though it would probably earn more if she added something for the lower budgets too. I miss books nowadays from the photographers or models (look at the books or DVDs about Laetitia Casta for example). So many talents (and i include the photographers here like Cameron Hammond, Kesler Tran and others i would like to see more of classically published) are lost in the instagram jungle or hidden away between patreon or personal homepage paywalls (with prices more fitting for physical products than digital stuff). If you look at Treats magazine, you can see it done a tad more successfull...physical orders are more expensive than digital and rise in price when sold out. Digital prices are mostly stable there. There is a whole different audience between any kind of digital product and an actual printed magazine or book or calendar. Having this instagram censorship teasers is neither doing justice to the photographers, the models, the artistic approach and the final product. It is a nice to have in addition, but not as a replacement.
  5. Good to see new content, yes. I am a bit sceptical about the marketing approach. I simply do not pre-order digital goods on principle. The past offers had at least a description and screenshots... I hope people do not think it is a sign of fandom or loyality, if you pre-order...that lead to a lot of stress and delusions in the game industry.
  6. I prefer private island too, but i can describe what you will get for the current set. In my opinion still enough unique pictures to make it worth to buy for me (but this is more like a borneo expansion and less private or revealing than private island): 18 nude pictures in black/white lounging in water at night at the beach 1 bikini picture in b/w 2 bikini pictures in colour 4 topless pictures in b/w lounging in shallow water 8 lingerie pictures in a bathroom in b/w 7 topless pictures on a chair in a hotel room in b/w (there was an instagram post in colour from this shoot years ago) 3 lingerie pictures on a bed in b/w 1 topless picture on a bed in b/w also various covers in black and white You will get a low and a high quality version.
  7. @celebrider: Though it is in your right to care or not care about her wishes, if you bought the pics i seriously doubt it allows you to share on a public forum. Several reasons: - The Law: Most countries have some kind of copyright law. And just as a gut feeling, i doubt this is the same as if you bought a painting and can then exhibit it at your leisure publicly. From the gut, it seems more like a sharing bought mp3 files. Or like a photography book, where you then scan and post all the pages online. - Forum Rules: I am not an expert here, but i suppose just for self protections boards like this have some rules about posting material against the explicit wishes of involved persons (and if you read her website disclaimer, this is not an argueable issue anymore). Most forums operate under a gray area rule like "posted until complained". Here (https://www.bellazon.com/main/topic/26563-privatecandid-materials-images-of-celebs-models/) the internet privacy rule might apply, even if you could find the content somewhere else (like reddit), because the material is explicitly NOT intended to be shared publicly. Maybe it helps, if you look up the difference between "tolerated" and "allowed", before you say something about being "well within the rights". . Human Decency If the prices are too steep, do not buy or wait till they drop (and for some things they dropped like posters and calendar outtakes). If you need more info about the content ask to be shown samples privately by someone who bought it or even ask the official shop team for more info. If you look at other digital distributions, how many show full thumbnails up front? It is not like you are told untrue information before buying, so far she has shared always relevant information up front about what you are getting (usually a good sample about what to expect with at least one picture up front and descriptions of the rest of the content). You can argue the marketing tactics, but then again....if you want to buy a book, do you need to read every page upfront, too? Again, if you do not agree with the sample size and price, it is well within your right to say so here or tell it to her marketing team.
  8. There was an esquire shoot in color (i think a few pages ago). And yes, these are shots a few years old now (from the time of the first calendar). But the new pictures are a nice addition in pose and setting. Lesser in number, but a bit more variety than the bathroom shot. I do not think it is a good idea to post images from the recent shop offers, unless you are content with the type of censored images twitter and facebook can provide...as long as not set to private.
  9. You should have gotten 2 emails, one confirming the order and the other one with a download link. They almost came at the same time for me, so you might want to ask, if something went wrong with the payment or check your spam folder. About the description, technically i have not much to add to what Rob S said, apart from the pictures being seemingly unreleased so far (compared to the borneo pics, where only some very previously unreleased). The pictures range from personal and reflective to seductive, a dozen at least are more revealing as Rob said. I like the variety of poses and expressions throughout the shoot (from portrait like closeups to broad shots with background, the majority "simply" her and the bathtub). Though i think adding a few coloured shots would have been no loss to the artistic value of the set (like some of the broad angle shots or portrait ones), but since this is mostly a thing of vision and circumstance, it is minor.thing.
  10. Of course everyone must decide, if the price is worth it individually. For me it was worth it, because i compared it to what i would get from a photo book from the model or photographer themselves. Usually those are around 50 dollars minimum. Then digital obviously should cost less. It might be different, if i saw the shoot on a third party website or agency, but as self-marketing myself, i usually prefer buying directly from the artists. I still hope for a mixed bag publication, ideally a photobook with a variety bts and official mixed and colour and b/w mixed.
  11. @ptn247: I agree with you about nudity, there are examples for success by actresses and models both doing early nudity (Cindy Crawford, Sophie Marceau) and doing almost no nudity (Claudia Schiffer, Tyra Banks, Jessica Alba). So i doubt this is a deciding factor. If you read interviews about actresses who come from (not even full) nude modeling this becomes interesting though (Keeley Hazell did a good interview here on Huffingtion Post, i think). Similar you can not link success to being married/in a relationship or not (in the past there was the assumption that models/actresses had to appear "available" and had to keep their status secret or had to lie about it to fit the marketed role)...there are enough examples nowadays pointing otherwise. If you look at what changed in the industry it is the amount of self-marketing (through social media for example) while increasing the dependency of larger productions to advertisers and market research (focus group based, not idea based) leading to less risks taken the bigger the budget (of course there are exceptions, this is my impression so far). If you than have an agent as well, this becomes easily three different sets of presentation. This might be a conflict of interest for most big productions? I don't know and would not see it inheritly as bad, if Emily is picky about her jobs (i was too and it did not hurt and saved a lot of trouble/stress). The latest Vanity Fair shoot looked very good and it does not look like a recycled shoot.
  12. @CVHELMS: It should be somewhere around this thread and page 227+. The interview i think i was referring is from 2017 and should be viewable on youtube. Also you could notice it from the way the calendars were marketed and published. @effyja2012: Yes, i wanted to express something similar, but you used nicer words
  13. First, Genevieve is absuletely right when it comes the law and morale side. It is also fully understandable she is upset and feels betrayed. There is not even a "but", both law and morale are pretty cleancut here almost all over the world. Though it is to be expected any published work will end on the internet in one way of the other nowadays, it might be especially hurting the pictures were released here, in a fan and more serious forum. Also the way of publishing has an effect, the more you are personally involved, the more you care and want to keep control (compare self-publishing to external publishing, where you have to sell the rights anyway). I hope the apology and takedown will help mending some damage. If it helps anything, the reception of the work was very positive and releasing the photos does not mean necessarily less sales on the calendar (it is a whole different thing at least for me to have a physical calendar i can actually walk by every day or some photos in the computer). @Bloodshot: It does not matter,, if it is Genevieve, some representative or even a troll. If you saw any interview and look how last years calendar and treats release was handled, you can assume how she would react. Balto88 did the right thing in removing.
  14. I like this years calendar. It is a good mix of pictures (from covered nudes to bikini shots) and the choice of motives fits. I don't regret buying it And no, i don't have a working scanner. I hope someday there will be either a book published by her (as Laetitia Casta and others have done) or some of her outtakes/shots will be published in books by the photographers (who both did a good job on both calendars). Some pictures just scream for a larger format as in a poster or larger photobook. About instagram: Maybe it has something to do with a change of instagrams rule of "advertiser friendly" accounts and she was forced to make it "private"?
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