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Everything posted by MB729

  1. I'm 22 and I couldn't disagree with you more. If anything, The women that actually look like mature, sexy, adult women are the largest draw to the show for me. I don't want to see teenage-looking girls in lingerie because I'm not a teenager nor do I want to look like one or find that appealing. I'd rather aspire to look sexy, fierce, and confident like the Adriana's and Alessandra's of the show. I don't want to see a bunch of girls that look like they should be in high school classes with my little sister. As for "no one your age" being attracted Adriana... who do you know?! Genuinely curious, because I don't know a single person in my age group, regardless of gender that isn't attracted to Adriana or doesn't find her beautiful. There's a reason she was the only model in the entire lineup to trend worldwide during the show and trust me, it's not because no one's attracted to her. She's most certainly not the problem with VS. If anything, she IS Victoria's secret and she's holding them together. And say what you will about Lady Gaga but two things trended during the show: Adriana Lima and Lady Gaga. No other model, no other performer. And while Lady Gaga's new leaf she's turned may not be as popular as her music of the past (truthfully, I hate it), to say she's not "mainstream" isn't fully accurate. She's still a star in her own right, even if her light's a little dimmer now than before. She's been on a popular TV show with a cult following, she's working on a movie with Bradley Cooper, she has her own cult following, and she's a performer that actually has a genuine love and appreciation of fashion and the creativity of it. She's an entertainer through and through. VS has a lot of issues, but Adriana and Lady Gaga weren't either of them.
  2. There's no way they're all friends. Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't it Blanca Padilla that implied in an interview a couple years ago that the now New Angels were really catty? She said something to the extent of the older VS girls being really nice (meaning Adriana, Ale, Lily, Candice, Behati), but the girls who had been there for an in between amount of years weren't very nice It's very clear IMO that they don't all like each other. And that's completely normal. But the overselling of the sisterhood schtick is exhausting Also, what was the thing that Jasmine supposedly said about the girls and where was it said? I'm very curious, I always wondered what her thoughts about her peers were, especially when the whole Taylor/Sara racist comments things was exposed
  3. Not shocking at all. The nepotism girls' fanbases don't care about their modeling to begin with. These girls never trend worldwide because of their work. They trend worldwide because of their activities as socialites (I recall years ago, the phrase "Kendall Jenner Has A Pimple" trended worldwide on twitter for half a day). Kendall's least 'liked' photos on instagram are her magazine covers and editorials where her most liked pictures are selfies and pictures of her with her famous family members or her BFF Gigi. Granted, all of these photos are still getting 1 million+ likes, but in general, they have huge followings because they're beautiful, rich socialites with seemingly good style. Not because they're sexy, fierce models. People don't watch VS for them, they watch for the Adriana's and Alessandra's. I don't expect them to ever "come through" for VS lol
  4. Overall one of their worst shows in recent years. Without a doubt worse than last year. Agree with everyone else that the editing was terrible and that if you blink too much you pretty much miss the whole show. They really need to shake up their line up too, how is it that only about 5-10 out of 51 models is exciting to look at? Gaga's walk had more oomph and excitement than majority of the girls' walks.
  5. The SA segment looked so random on TV. It looks like every other three looks had a common theme but altogether it was just whatever they could throw together. And Sara's end of the runway circle around herself gave me secondhand embarrassment
  6. Love Jo, but her, "Imagine going to bed a normal model and then waking up an Angel" is not coming across as relatable at all and those are some of the first tweets I'm seeing on twitter. People are making fun of her
  7. The PINK clothing is tragic but the PINK girls look the best. Maybe it's because Bruno's performing but they had the most energy and were the most exciting to watch thus far
  8. Didn't know Martha had such a funky (bad) walk. Horrible opening segment. A mess from start to finish. Also Ming Xi chanting Kendall's name backstage was hilarious
  9. New here and just caught up with the thread! Here's some thoughts: Regarding Kendall, this thread has made me realize that people don't seem to know what she actually looks like. She's always had relatively bad skin. It actually looked much better in the backstage photos without makeup than what her skin used to resemble before she started modeling. As for her lips, I don't see much of a difference in them, they look pretty much the same as always. She looked very uncomfortable with her wings in TRA, she walked oddly slow. I expected a little more from her because she's usually relatively decent on the runway. Never a standout, but not horrible either. Is no one going to mentioned how awkward and tragic Taylor Hill's walk in DA was? Her end of the runway poses photographed beautifully, but in action, she looks like she stumbled and like she did not know what to do with those big wings. And from the interview videos posted here, she seems to have no charisma. She comes across very awkward and she's not very well-spoken for a spokesperson. Jasmine was pretty much carrying that entire interview Speaking of Jasmine, all I can say is wow. What a beautiful woman. Wish she would've opened the segment but she really didn't even need to because you could hardly tear your eyes away from her either way Don't kill me, but I don't see the appeal of Grace Elizabeth. She's pretty, but very forgettable in my eyes. I find her features quite nondescript, I can easily confuse her with several other models In the minority here again, but I actually think the little bit we've seen of Bella's walk was not bad at all. I found Gigi's lip syncing to Gaga in the background of one of those videos quite cringeworthy. But I may be biased because I simply don't like Gigi. Though I do agree she was much more beautiful when she had the extra weight on her How is it that Lais supposedly tripped and fell "flat on her face" yet there's not a single video or picture of this? I haven't even seen any mention of this in the media and considering how much media was present, I have a feeling this either didn't really happen or was grossly exaggerated and truly just a stumble. Either way, She's such a bombshell, she deserves better from VS. Her outfit for TRA was flat out ugly, but so was the entire segment so no surprises there. Don't even get me started on that g-d awful dragon (if they want to up their ratings, having a white model open the show in a Chinese/Asian-inspired dragon costume was not a smart move. Especially when they hired 4 Chinese models for the show. There are gonna be so many people that see that and change the channel right away. There are so many way to take from cultures in an appropriate, non-offensive manner and they just can't seem to get it right. For all the work that goes into a show like this, it's quite lazy) Alessandra deserves more appreciation. She looked absolutely stunning and she's one of the only models that brings energy to the runway. I truly hope it's not her or Adriana's last year any time soon because the two of them pretty much carry the show in my eyes. Majority of VS's current lineup of both Angels and non-Angels look like they are between the ages of 14-19 years old. I don't care to see them in lingerie. It's creepy and unappealing, even if they aren't actually those ages. Many of them look like they're still in the early stages of puberty Maria Borges is such a stunner. I'd love to see her become an Angel one day, especially because she doesn't look like any of the other Angels and right now, most of them blend together to me. It's just a mix of tan, light hair, and light eyes. They desperately need more visual diversity Irina is beautiful and undeniably sexy, but I don't think she fits VS. She fits what they should be and want to be, but not what they actually are and I think that's why I couldn't get on board with her being in the show. It would've made sense a long time ago, but not anymore The outfits overall this year were much worse than last year IMO. As someone else said before, it seems like the actual lingerie was an afterthought and they channeled all their energy into costume designing. I wish they focused more on the things they were actually selling to customers. The backstage bras everyone wore were more beautiful and exciting than almost any of the lingerie that was on the runway In general, not really excited to watch this year. Seemed like a waste of money to go to Paris where they didn't take advantage of pretty much anything Paris has to offer. The audience was tragically small. At least 50% of the lineup was forgettable and/or questionable.
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