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Everything posted by Sliva

  1. Jeez, the article is new, the picture is old, try to understand this, woman ๐Ÿ™ˆ
  2. OMFG, the article is new, but photo is old! How you can't get it? โ˜ ๏ธ
  3. So? No mention that pic is new. Read the article, no any word about it. This picture is old, I saw it last year already
  4. This photo from last year, lol. He's NOT on vacation, he's shooting new movie.
  5. No. This pic is old. He's in US, shooting new movie
  6. UPDATE: Baz Luhrmann told that he was lousy. Its not just Leo's opinion.
  7. @Jade Bahr He failed audition in Moulin rouge because his skills was lousy. "I'm terrible singer", he said. That's his words, not mine. LOL.
  8. Haha, but he failed that audition. He told this himself. Also , we have the proof of his sh!tty singing skills - the extended scene of Rick Dalton's performance on Hoolabaloo show in "OUATINH". ๐Ÿ˜
  9. Sinatra? But Leo CAN'T SING! LOL. Lawrence as Ava Gardner? Are you kidding me? LOL. Miscast ! And Sinatra's family STILL doesn't want this project, so...
  10. don't compare Leo and this Drake. Drake's parents didn't care about him and didn't worry when their son spent the night with a grown man. Leo's parents always took very good care of him and, moreover, they were his managers and accompanied him everywhere. So I donโ€™t think anyone seduced or molested him. There is no need to make things up if there is no evidence. If this person worked for him, this does not mean that something like this necessarily happened (he also worked with Tobey Maguire, by the way, but no one mentions him because his name is not so popular now. Media just trying promote this story with the Leo's big name).
  11. They are not engaged, lol. TMZ, Us Weekly and others denied it already. Leo once said that he's too independent and freedom-loving person for marriage. So, I don't think he'll ever get married ๐Ÿ˜ And don't forget, Vittoria is still married, she and her ex Matteo separated, but not divorced yet
  12. Found nothing. Just f*cking VERY old pictures from land parties. SO, you have zero proofs. And that's why I recommend to shut your mouth
  13. God, how disgusting you are. you just want attention and make some noise. I repeat again - show me the photos where he hangs out on diddyโ€™s yacht, not regular parties, but yacht where were prostitutions and sex slaves. And preferably these pics must to be taken not so long ago. I need proofs.
  14. shut your mouth. Before accuse a person, you must have at least some evidence. just because he knows diddy doesn't mean he was involved in his crimes. and where did you get the idea that he was on diddy's yacht? do you have proof of this? Oh, you have not ๐Ÿšซ
  15. No, forget about it,he has principles. He won't come even for her.
  16. This author is straightforward in stating that it is GOOD, FAIR AND RIGHTFULLY TO NOT nominate DiCaprio just because he already has everything (awards and money). Lol, this media and Academy are the JOKE. And nothing more.
  17. No, he won't come. In 2022, he did not come to SAG, although he was nominated for Best Acting Ensemble with his colleagues (for Don't look up). This award season is totally over for Leo.
  18. Bullsh!t. Every actor is happy when awards nominate them and praise their performance. This is Leo's words, actually.
  19. It's a MOVIE award, no humanitarian award and this f**king academics MUST to judge the ACTING SKILLS, not race and other stuff unrelated to acting. But we live in a weird world now...๐Ÿ˜
  20. But De Niro didn't step aside. Is he bad person? Lol
  21. Well, Lily's performance wasn't spectacular, she got nominated because DiCaprio and Apple TV+ promoted her and of course because of her race. Since 2017 Oscar is charitable and humanitarian award, not cinema award, lol.
  22. Lol. I told you, guys. They nominated everyone of KOTFM except Leo. It's good lesson for him. Don't promote your co-star, promote yourself, man!!!
  23. I have only one question. HOW? He was ignored by critics and all awards except GG and CC. And yeah, these two awards are not important for Oscar race.
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